JAKARTA (May 5th, 2020) – The “Handayani” Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in Need of Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Jakarta received another complaint from the public regarding a child in an emergency situation and vulnerable to being affected by COVID-19 in the Ciracas area of East Jakarta. “MH” is the initial of the 11-year-old child. Public complaints are made verbally via telephone to the “Handayani” Children’s Center on 0218445679 or through the Children’s Social Call Service (Tepsa) on 1500771.

The vulnerable condition experienced by “MH” occurred because his mother had left him since he was a baby while his father had a stroke in early 2020 which caused the left part of his body to malfunction, and even had to drag his legs while walking. This is even more worrying because “MH” still has to work as an ondel-ondel (giant puppets used in parades) parader to fulfill his and his father’s daily needs in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Every day, “MH” has to go around parading ondel-ondel and meet many people to earn around 10,000 to 40,000 rupiahs. “MH”’s knowledge regarding the prevention of COVID-19 is also very limited, coupled with the absence of parental supervision, which makes him even more vulnerable to being affected by COVID-19.

Based on the public complaint, the Head of the Jakarta “Handayani” Children’s Center, Neneng Heryani, gave instructions to the social worker to immediately respond and follow up on the complaint by conducting an assessment related to the condition and needs of the child.

“The public is very responsive now, this is very helpful for us in responding child cases, especially in this pandemic condition. “MH”’s needs must be fulfilled immediately and connected with the source system,” said Neneng.

Social Workers have conducted an assessment on “MH” and provided counseling on the prevention of COVID-19. Based on the results of the assessment obtained, it is known that “MH” needs several nutritional intakes to maintain body immunity. Social Workers have also linked “MH” with the local officials in DKI Jakarta through the Child Orphanage Social Institution (PSAA) so that “MH” can receive an education and will be followed up immediately.

Moreover, to fulfill nutrition, “Handayani” Children’s Center provided social assistance as a case response to “MH” so that he could still maintain his health and not to be exposed to COVID-19 or other diseases. Social Workers will continue to protect and supervise “MH” on regular basis in the best interests of the child.