BEKASI (April 5th 2020) - The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Social Tuna and Human Trafficking Victims in the COVID-19 pandemic situation made strategic efforts for the Social Welfare Services Recipients (PPKS). Some of them are escorting the return of Indonesian migrant workers from Malaysia and providing basic food assistance to Social Welfare Institutions throughout Jabodetabek.

On March 24, 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation received the arrival of 114 Indonesian Workers (TKI) who were sent home from Malaysia at the Trauma Center Protection House (RPTC), Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands Province, Tuesday. TKI who are Indonesian Citizens of Human Trafficking Victims of Indonesian Migrants (WNI M KPO) will be returned to their respective regions but must follow strict government procedures, namely quarantined for 14 days at RPTC, Tanjung Pinang.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat explained that this repatriation had been carried out in accordance with the Indonesian Territory Entrance Protocol, which was to check the body temperature of Indonesian Citizen M KPO in the area determined by the officer. They are required to submit a Health Alert Card (HAC) or what is commonly known as a yellow card to the health officer at the port entrance. This is an effort of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, especially the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Social Tuna and Human Trafficking Victims in ensuring that Indonesian KPO are healthy and do not carry the COVID-19 virus.

Another response to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, namely the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Social Tuna and Human Trafficking Victims distributed basic food assistance to 300 Social Welfare Services Recipients (PPKS) on Sunday (05/04). Assistance is provided through 14 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) in Jabodetabek.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on all Indonesians. In this condition, priority for handling is given to people living with HIV / AIDS, homeless people and beggars, former prisoners, victims of violence and victims of human trafficking, and minority groups.

The basic food assistance provided is in the form of ready-to-eat food packages, children's meals, and side dishes packages. One of the recipients of the aid was very grateful for this, namely the head of the Al Muanah Paskam Jakarta LKS, Umi Rohmawati. "Alhamdulillah, the Ministry of Social Affairs is here. This assistance is very beneficial for poor people and those who live on poverty-stricken," he said. The woman who is usually called Uum added that she would immediately distribute it to the residents who were under her institution's guidance.