BATURRADEN (January 8th 2020) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKP) "Satria" in Baturraden received a visit from Sirnarasa Ciamis College of Da'wah (STID) Students.

The group of 25 people, consisting of students and lecturers, are welcome to visit the Baturraden Drug Information and Education Center (PIE) first.

Restyaningsih, as the Head of BRSKP Narcotics "Satria" in Baturraden said that PIE NAPZA Baturraden is an integration of social rehabilitation services for victims of community abuse. In addition, he also opens himself as widely as possible to provide education about the dangers of drug abuse.

To provide an overview of the social rehabilitation services that have been carried out by the institution, Hendra Permana, as the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Service Section delivered material on Social Rehabilitation Services at BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" in Baturraden to the attendees.

"Every year we conduct evaluations for service improvements. And we are open to receiving input for improving rehabilitation services," said Hendra.

Dewi Koer Mulyana, as Deputy Chairperson of STID Sirnarasa Ciamis as well as Head of IPWL Inabah II Putri Ciamis gave her appreciation to BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" in Baturraden. Dewi said that the rehabilitation services provided were advanced and the idea was to develop innovative Baturraden PIE NAPZA. In the future, STID Sirnarasa Ciamis hopes for a cooperation agreement with BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" in Baturraden for the research of its students.

Then the group directly reviewed the services carried out by BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" in Baturraden.