GORONTALO (December 26th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Intellectual Disability (BRSPDI) "Nipotowe" Palu is distributing Service Recipients who have completed a six-month social rehabilitation period. A total of ninety-six service recipients from Gorontalo Province have been distributed. The Gorontalo Province Social and Women's Empowerment Office and parents of service recipients welcomed the arrival of officers and service recipients at one of the residences of the service recipients.
This distribution activity was received by the Office of Social Affairs and Women's Empowerment with high appreciation and was covered by TVRI, the national television channel. In his presentation, Yusnandar Karim, Head of the Disability and Elderly Section of the Gorontalo Province Social and Women's Empowerment Service, hopes that social rehabilitation activities for intellectual disabilities in Gorontalo are always carried out every year. Many prospective service recipients are ready to get services at the center.
"We appreciate the center program in carrying out social rehabilitation for PPKS (Social Welfare Service Recipients), especially intellectual disabilities in Gorontalo. We hope that prospective service recipients from Gorontalo can be facilitated every year to help the social welfare of persons with intellectual disabilities," said Yusnandar.
This year, Gorontalo Province has received quite a lot of quota at the center, this is because the Social Service is very responsive in preparing data on persons with intellectual disabilities. Not to mention the facilitator who is so communicative that it makes it easier for the center to select service recipients. However, the limited quota for service recipients each semester cannot meet the number of prospective service recipients at the center.
"We are aware that there are still many shortcomings that we provide to service recipients, both in terms of facilities and services. But we are committed to providing the best. Referring to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government and PP No. 2 of 2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards (SPM), we hope for assistance from the Gorontalo Province Social and Women's Empowerment Service so that Service Recipients from the Center are still accompanied in developing their businesses, because in the social sector SPM explains the division of provincial authority in Basic Social Rehabilitation at instution and Community-Based Social Rehabilitation as an authority district / city, as well as Advanced Social Rehabilitation at the Center as the authority of the central government." said Hanafi as Head of Sub-Division for Administration of BRSPDI "Nipotowe" Palu.
In the future, the Service Recipient will create a business group so that it can develop together. The parents are also ready to facilitate them. The synergy between the central government, in this case the Ministry of Social Affairs, the regional government, in this case the Gorontalo Province Social and Women's Empowerment Service, and parents who receive the service is going very well.