BATURRADEN (March 2nd 2020) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) "Satria" in Baturraden synergizes KPN social rehabilitation services with social workers by accepting participants in the Field Learning Practice (PBL) of the Narcotics Addiction Social Worker Training Center from the Center for Welfare Education and Training Social (BBPPKS) Regional III Yogyakarta.

A total of 60 participants consisting of the Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos) region III (NTT, NTB, East Java, Central Java, and DIY) and addiction social workers at IPWL (East Java, DIY, Central Java) attended the event, this was accompanied by 20 people trainer and the committee.

Participants will learn material about initial approaches and assessments as well as intervention and intervention plans in rehabilitation services for victims of drug abuse. Apart from that, it also concerns resocialization, termination, and further guidance after undergoing a social rehabilitation program. Participants also had the opportunity to visit the Drug Information and Education Center (PIE) in Baturraden.

Sudiro, as the Head of the Yogyakarta BBPPKS Community Social Welfare Education and Training Section, expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by BRSKP Narcotics "Satria" in Baturraden.

The same thing was also expressed by Restyaningsih, as the Head of BRSKP Narcotics "Satria" in Baturraden. "We are grateful for the trust given by BBPPKS Yogyakarta, considering that the rehabilitation service we are running is just entering its fourth year. Of course we are very open to receiving input for service improvements in the future. And upon returning the participants to their respective regions, they can socialize rehabilitation institutions to those who are need," said Restyaningsih in his speech.

This PBL activity lasts for two days (March 2nd - 3rd 2020). After getting today's material, the activity was continued with a seminar on the PBL results the next day.