SUKABUMI (July 18, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, reviewed the readiness of the Social Rehabilitation Center “Phala Martha” Sukabumi for ATENSI Creation Center. This is done to follow up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, so that every center within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation in particular and the Ministry of Social Affairs in general can prepare centers for community empowerment, including the beneficiaries.


Harry said that “Phala Martha” had services for beneficiaries with mental disabilities (PDM) or people with mental disorders (ODGJ). "However, according to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, the Centr must carry out multi-function services, in the sense that the target beneficiaries have various characteristics, so that the response to the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS), people who need assistance, case response, assistance, and other social services, it can immediately do it,” added Harry.


Therefore, the presence of the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) can become a forum with the beneficiaries of the various types of PPKS, such as Ex ODGJ, homeless beggars, the elderly, people with disabilities, victims of drug abuse, Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Trafficking in Persons (KPO) and includes beneficiaries who have been handled through the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), and Cash Social Assistance (BST). With the existence of SKA, all of these targets can be utilized with various characteristics.


In this context, the Human Resources (HR) in the Center must really be able to prepare themselves as well as possible. Improving abilities, insights, including skills to respond to these various problems.


Harry also hopes that “Phala Martha” can improve the quality of services, because later it will not only be handled by ODGJ but there will be other targets served by the Center.


"This is of course a challenge for the Center to implement new policies or initiatives from the Minister of Social Affairs, that the Center will become a social service center that carries out integrated services," he added.


We hope that the Minister of Social Affairs can visit SKA Phala Marta Sukabumi and at the same time inaugurate it. The Minister of Social Affairs can also see that the tasks assigned to the Center can and have been carried out properly. As soon, “Phala Martha” will open a public kitchen to fulfill nutrition for residents affected by Covid-19.

The Minister of Social Affairs will also be able to see the production center for electric wheelchairs for people with disabilities as well as some of the skills/vocational skills that are available at the Center, as well as skills that can actually be the hallmark of Phala Martha, such as making pottery which will be developed by the Center.

"Hopefully Phala Martha Center of Sukabumi can become a pilot center in the South West Java Region. Together, it will be integrated with the Kahuripan Social Rehabilitation Center which will later be integrated with providing services to PPKS," he concluded.

During the review, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, went around to see firsthand the readiness of SKA, including: Café, Culinary Center, Showroom, Workshop, Art Therapy, Ecogreen Park, and several other rooms. Harry expressed his appreciation for the progress made in setting up the ATENSI Creation Center at Phala Martha Sukabumi. "Thank you for the cooperation, cohesiveness, and commitment of all Phala Martha employees who are seriously preparing the SKA," said Harry.