JAKARTA (2 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs facilitated 111 vulnerable residents assisted by the Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) Sekar and Balarenik to get vaccinated for Covid-19. The vaccination was held at the Garden Hall of The Media Hotel and Tower Jakarta and organized by the University of Indonesia’s Alumni Association (Iluni UI).


Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, said that the Ministry of Social Affairs is trying to have vulnerable citizens get vaccinated, specifically companying and providing accommodation for them before administering the vaccine.


Vulnerable residents consisting of scavengers, beggars and residents under the Gedong Panjang toll road received the first 0.5 ml dose of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine. "We need to appreciate the Healthy Synergy Vaccination Center program. Beneficiaries who are vulnerable citizens are allowed to get the vaccination," said Kokom Komalawati, Head of the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Center in her office.


Moreover, Kokom said that one of the MoSA's programs, namely Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) could synergize in this activity. It was an effort to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 in scavenger communities and other vulnerable residents.


The Ministry of Social Affairs provided buses from Balai Mulya Jaya Jakarta, Balai Melati Jakarta, Balai Panasea Jakarta, Balai Handayani Jakarta, Balai Tan Miyat Bekasi and Balai Budhi Dharma Bekasi to take vulnerable residents to the Covid-19 vaccine location.


Meanwhile, Balai Pangudi Luhur Bekasi provided rice boxes for lunch. "Yes, we assist these vulnerable residents to administer the vaccine. Apart from assisting, we also facilitated antigen tests before going to the Covid-19 vaccine location and provided rice boxes for them," said Ismawati, the Social Worker of Balai Pangudi Luhur Bekasi.

The process of administering vaccines went through several stages, starting from health screening, further assessment by health workers, administering vaccines to observation. Those processes applied strict health protocols.

The Chief Executive of the Healthy Synergy Vaccination Center, Endang Mariani, said that her party held this activity in collaboration with the private sector and the government. "One of them is the Ministry of Social Affairs to bring our brothers and sisters who are in LKS. They come from various communities, including the scavengers, the homeless and others," said Endang.

This vaccine centre, added Endang, aims to support the national program as an effort to Accelerate the Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia. This activity will take place from July 22 to September 15, 2021, so that it can be completed until the second dose of vaccine is given. It provides vaccines for 2,000 people per day.

The implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination is not only in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs but also with Bakti Kominfo, Media Group, Danone Indonesia, as well as 10 hospitals that are members of the Indonesian Vertical Hospital Association (ARVI), including RSCM, Fatmawati Hospital, Sulianti Saroso Hospital, PON Hospital, Suharto Heerdjan Hospital, Jakarta Hospital, Persahabatan Hospital, Harapan Kita Psychiatric Hospital, Harapan Kita Mother and Child Hospital, and Dharmais Hospital.


At the Covid-19 Vaccination location, the head of the LKS Balarenik, Agusman said that these vulnerable residents needed to be given an understanding of the importance of Covid-19 vaccination. "The key is to have a conversation with them because the understanding of every vulnerable citizen is different about vaccines. The most important thing is that we must work together to deal with Covid-19," he said.


Lia, the beneficiary of LKS Balarenik expressed her feelings after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. "Initially I was hesitant, afraid to be vaccinated, but for the sake of health, I want to be vaccinated. After all, this is a government recommendation and all residents must be vaccinated," said Lia.


Kisem (90) was also worried when she was asked to be vaccinated. "At first I was afraid, but yes, you have to be brave to be healthy," he said.


The Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to access other vulnerable residents to be able to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations, both vulnerable residents in Social Rehabilitation Centers and those beneficiaries of LKS.