BANGLI (June 3, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Mahatmiya Bali Center received a report from the Bangli Regency Social Service regarding a theft case involving a Child Against the Law (ABH), DD (14). The theft cases occurred in four areas, namely in Karangasem, Bangli, Tabanan, and Gianyar regencies with nine crime scenes (TKP).


Based on the direction of the Head of the Mahatmiya Center, Sutiono, Mahatmiya sent a Case Response Team consisting of the Section Head of Social Rehabilitation Services, Herlin Wahyuni ​​Hidayat and Social Worker, Ni Putu Esti immediately respond to this theft case.


"Please assess the child, accompany him, provide reinforcement, and find out about his needs and rights," said Sutiono.


After coordinating, the Mahatmiya Balai Case Response Team along with the Bangli District Social Service and the Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos) left for the Gurukula Pasraman where "DD" was undergoing legal proceedings.


The case began in September 2020, "DD"'s brother, whose initials were DA (22), complained in front of "DD" because she did not have enough money to prepare for his childbirth.


Initially, "DA" refused "DD"'s invitation to commit theft, but because he had been laid off since the Covid-19 pandemic and did not have a steady income to pay for childbirth, finally "DA" agreed to "DD"'s invitation to steal motorcycle. They then toured some areas using a motorcycle belonging to "DA".


On Friday (25/09/2020), at around 00.00 local time they toured Jalan Raya Suter, Kintamani District. They stole a motorbike parked on the side of the road in front of a resident's house. They unlocked the motorcycle using a screwdriver and then turned it on by connecting electricity from a series of cables that had been dismantled. After being successfully turned on, the motorcycle was then stored in a cowshed in the LC Subak Aya area, Bangli, due to a breakdown.


Two hours later, at around 03.00 a.m., they stole another motorbike from a garage belonging to a resident in the Metra Kelod Banjar, Yangapi Village, Tembuku District. The motorbike could not be started, finally "DD" and "DA" pushed the motorbike until it arrived at a workshop in Demulih Village at around 07.00 a.m.


It didn't stop there, during the ninth motorcycle theft, the brothers were caught by residents when they were about to commit theft around the Karangasem Regency area.

After the police investigated the case, they found information that they had committed theft in nine areas. They did this motorcycle theft within a month.

The results of the Case Response Team's assessment revealed that "DD" and "DA" committed nine acts of theft in 4 regencies, namely Karangasem Regency, Bangli Regency, Tabanan Regency, and Gianyar Regency.

The legal process undertaken by "DD" is still ongoing. According to the Law Enforcement Officials (APH) in the four regencies, diversion can only be done once because nine acts of theft are considered recurring cases.

Currently, "DD" has received a diversion result for his theft in Karangasem Regency. The results of the diversion stated that "DD" attended education and skills training at the Gurukula Pasraman in Bangli Regency.

Meanwhile, for the second region, namely in Bangli Regency, "DD" received a verdict from the trial, namely participating in education and training at the Gurukula Pasraman, Bangli Regency. Pasraman is a place for children who come from economically disadvantaged families, but have the will to learn.

Furthermore, the third and fourth regions in Tabanan and Gianyar Regencies, are still waiting for the schedule for the trial. While waiting for the trial process "DD" was deposited at the Gurukula Pasraman. While at the Pasraman "DD" attended education and training of interest. "DD" already has a Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), while the "DD" family is the recipient of assistance in the Family Hope Program (PKH).

During the assistance, the Mahatmiya Center Case Response Team conducted counseling for "DD". The team also ensured the readiness and psychological condition of the child who had to go through three trials for this theft case.

"We must prioritize how their basic needs are met, be it education or children's mental health. If we don't solve them together, what will their future be," said Herlin.

Herlin also suggested inviting all parties to find the best solution for "DD".

"We also have to think about the psychology of children in undergoing the trial process. Let's discuss and analyze together with related parties such as the Social Service, the Community Counselor of the Correctional Agency (PK Fathers), the Prosecutor's Office, Gurukula Pasraman, the Education Office, and other related parties to provide the best for "DD ", he added.

Head of the Bangli District Social Service, I Wayan Karmawan, who was involved from the beginning of the settlement of the case "DD welcomes the efforts made by Mahatmiya Center as a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs. He also hopes that Mahatmiya Center can assist in mediating this case.

"We really need help from all parties for the future of "DD", with the involvement of the Ministry of Social Affairs, hopefully, there will be the best meeting point for DD," said I Wayan Karmawan.

The head of the Gurukula Pasraman, I Wayan Arsada, said the same thing. He wanted "DD" to undergo the verdict of the next trial at the Gurukula Pasraman. "Here we have middle and high schools level for the continuation of "DD" education. I hope that all parties can provide the best educational solution while he is undergoing the judicial process," he explained.

Furthermore, Mahatmiya will also continue to provide assistance and counseling for "DD", as well as carry out advocacy efforts through mediation and coordination with related parties so that "DD" still gets their rights as a child.