(8 September 2021) - The Ministry of
Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi
provided Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support for elderly Grandpa
Noorlin (78) in Sidoarjo, based on the results of the needs assessment that had
been carried out previously to find out appropriate interventions. Noorlin,
lives with his wife in his sister-in-law's house in Keboansikep Village,
Gedangan District, Sidoarjo, East Java
Based on the results of the needs assessment
carried out on the elderly, their families, and local government officials, it
is known that Noorlin has not been registered with the Social Welfare
Integrated Data (DTKS) so that she has not received government assistance. The
pandemic condition that requires Grandpa Noorlin to no longer work relying on
his savings while working to meet daily needs, so that empowerment efforts are
needed to improve the economy of Noorlin and his family by opening a business
startup according to his physical condition which is still healthy and
potential. This is in line with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs
of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini so that all Technical
Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Social Affairs can respond quickly
to any problems that occur in the community.
Following up on the results of the assessment,
"Budhi Dharma" Center moved
quickly after the government lowered the level of Implementation of Community
Activity Restrictions (PPKM), by providing appropriate ATENSI service in the
form of pioneering gallon water and LPG gas businesses for Noorlin which were
very much needed around his place of residence. “I want a gallon water business
because it doesn't require a lot of tools and materials, the need for drinking
water in this village is very large. It will sell well if it is sold
in front of the house," said Noorlin.
The distribution of ATENSI support in the form
of packaging gallons of mineral water, LPG gas, gallon transport trolleys,
gallon transport equipment made of plastic material was handed over to the "Budhi Dharma" Team, Monday (6/9/2021) accompanied by the Provincial
Social Service, Sidoarjo Regency Social Service, local RT, Carik and TKSK at
Noorlin's residence. "Many thanks to the Ministry of Social Affairs,
especially "Budhi Dharma" Center for caring for me. I hope the
business runs smooth and grows in the future. Just pray for me," said