CIANJUR (8 September 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center Ciungwanara responded quickly to the viral news on the online news site Kompas TV on 7 September 2021 about a family living in a goat cage.


The Social Worker assigned to carry out the assessment directly coordinates with the Cianjur District Social Service. From the results of this coordination, information was obtained that at this time, the assistance for livable houses (Rutilahu) is in the process, but there are still problems with the legality of the land occupied by Mr. Ace Sidik, so the construction of the house will be moved to another location.


Apart from Rutilahu assistance, Mr. Ace's family has also been registered as PKH and BPNT participants. Siti Sari Rumayanti, Head of Ciungwanara Center through Social Workers advised continuing to oversee the construction process of Rutilahu "Ciungwanara” Center will continue to oversee the process of Rutilahu assistance so that Mr. Ace can also move to a more appropriate place" she ordered.


The Social Worker at Ciungwanara Center also advised Mr. Ace's family that later when the government aid house is finished, separate the goat cage and his house, one of which is to live a healthier life.


The secretary of the Cianjur District Social Service who was present also said the same thing.


Later, the Government-Assisted Livable House will be built on an area of ​​70 M owned by Mr. Ace himself. "Of course we are grateful for the government's response," he continued.


Ciungwanara Center will continue to oversee the process of constructing a livable house for Mr. Ace's family.