SURAKARTA (30 December 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation carried out the Collaborative Synchronization activity for Flats Provision for Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) in Manahan, Surakarta.


The need for housing is increasing, while the available land is limited and house prices are increasing, making it difficult for residents to find it difficult to find a decent place to live.


The construction of Flats in Manahan Surakarta is to increase the dignity of PPKS through the provision of proper and healthy housing facilities, thereby increasing the welfare level for PPKS, in a healthy, safe, and comfortable environment and building independence for PPKS in a better future.


The Collaborative Synchronization of Flats Provision for PPKS was carried out at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Erce Café, Prof. Dr. Soeharso Solo.


The Director of Region II Flats, represented by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Region II Flats, Noviza Dwiarti Arsyad explained that based on a letter from the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini to the Minister of PUPR regarding the application for flats for PPKS to be programmed in stages.


In the 2021 budget year, the construction of flats has been allocated in 2 locations, namely DKI Jakarta with physical progress as of December 24, 2021, having reached 50.48% and in Bekasi West Java with physical progress of 77.84% and will be completed in early 2022.


His party also encourages the Ministry of Social Affairs to immediately provide the Flats Management Agency with its occupants as well as programming the Ministry of Social Affairs' proposal for the allocation of flats for PPKS.


Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna in his presentation explained that the presence of this flat needs to be realized. "According to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Risma, to immediately follow up the construction of this apartment by cooperating with the Ministry of PUPR, considering that the number of PPKS in Indonesia is quite large," he said.


Idit explained that Social Minister Risma's policy at the beginning of 2021 was that neglected PPKS must be responded to quickly and given Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services both in the family, community, and residential areas. Then it is accessed with other Ministry of Social Affairs’ programs such as PKH, BPNT, and Prokus according to the results of the assessment.

The Ministry of Social Affairs hopes that with the existence of flats, alumni who are beneficiaries of Social Rehabilitation Centers can get decent housing at affordable prices so that they can focus on improving their economy to the point of being independent.

"Therefore, there is a need for consolidation and cooperation from all parties, including the local government regarding the flat program for PPKS in Surakarta, and being able to make Flats an Icon in Surakarta City", concluded Idit.

The Head of the Technical Design Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of PUPR, Yuri Hermawan, explained that the flats for PPKS is intended for scavengers, homeless people, beggars, cart people, the elderly and other abandoned residents. The total proposal from the Ministry of Social Affairs is 16 towers with a type of 24/5 floors long as many as 108 units. The construction of PPKS flats is in line with the extreme poverty management program which is currently becoming a priority.

The event continued with direct observation of the location of the planned flat construction, which is expected to be integrated with the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Erce Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta.

The synchronization and collaboration activities for the preparation of flats for PPKS in Surakarta were attended directly by the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta, Juena Br. Sitepu, Head of Social Service of Surakarta City, Tamso, Head of BP2P II, Head of BP2P III, Head of West Java and Central Java Housing Provision Working Unit. The activity was also attended virtually by the PKP of the Ministry of PUPR, Airyn Harahap, and the Head of the Wyata Guna Center, Sudarsono.