BENGKULU (June 29, 2022) –
Amid drizzling rain and a light breeze in Bengkulu City, a row of cars with BH
plates came to Dharma Guna Center Bengkulu. It was the group of the Regent of
Sarolangun to carry out a visit to Dharma Guna Center for benchmarking and
seeking information on handling social problems in Sarolangun Regency.
The activity was welcomed
directly by the Acting Head of Dharma Guna Center, Masitotu Mulja. The meeting
was held in the meeting room and it discussed social issues and information on
services at Dharma Guna Bengkulu.
The purpose of the visit of
the Regent of Sarolangun, Henrizal, is for friendship and to see firsthand the
activities in Dharma Guna Bengkulu and will have an MOU cooperation
relationship in handling the problems of People with Social Welfare Problems
(PMKS) in Sarolangun Regency was warmly welcomed by the Acting Head of Dharma
Guna Center Bengkulu, Masitotu Mulja.
"Residential services in
the Center, namely Vocational Therapy include catering, hydroponics, carpentry,
agriculture, fisheries, welding workshops, and cattle and chicken farming, as
well as mental spiritual therapy, physical exercise therapy, psychological
counseling therapy, and group therapy. We also prepare wheelchairs that are
currently being assembled to be distributed to people with physical disabilities,"
said Masitotu in her speech.
"We are very flattered by
the remarks of the Acting Head of the Dharma Guna Bengkulu Center who has
provided many services to us and the information is precious for us hopefully
Dharma Guna Bengkulu Center being able to provide handling of social problems
in Sarolangun Regency, especially we thank you very much to the Minister of
Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini who has assisted our residents named Bustomi
and Nasrin directly from the Minister of Social Affairs," said the Regent
of Sarolangun, Henrizal after his lunch.