PURWAKARTA (23 May 2020) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) Tan Miyat and the Social Rehabilitation Center for Elderly (BRSLU) Budhi Dharma of the Ministry of Social Affairs were taking an active role in handling the impact of COVID-19. BRSPDSN Tan Miyat assisted 94 basic food packages for disabilities worth Rp28,200,000,-. Meanwhile, the assistance given to the elderly was 60 packages worth Rp18,000,000,-.
The food packages were provided for residents affected by Covid-19, especially persons with disabilities in Purwakarta. It took place on Jalan Raya KK Singawinata at the former Regional Coordination Agency (Bakorwil) Purwakarta as the station of Covid-19-task-force. The assistance then distributed for persons with disabilities through the Indonesian Blind Union (Pertuni) and the Indonesian Association of Women with Disability (HWDI).
The Purwakarta Regent, Anne Ratna Mustika stated that the Ministry of Social Affairs is the Government Institution with the most assistance to Purwakarta in handling Covid-19. She expressed her gratitude for the attention given by BRSPDSN Tan Miyat and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
On this occasion, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat said that the activity of providing basic food assistance was a follow-up to budget refocusing on overcoming the impact of Covid-19, under the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara.
Harry Hikmat also appealed for protecting each other and not increasing the spread of coronavirus by always using a mask. Those who have excess masks can share when seeing other residents on the streets without masks. The spirit of sharing must be increased after receiving assistance for example to those who have not received any.
The distribution of this assistance was the implementation of the Ministry of Social Affairs tagline, namely Humanist, Adaptive, Dedicated, Inclusive, and Responsive in all situations.