AMBON (5 November 2019) - Maluku Province Social Service in collaboration with the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) "Nipotowe" Palu held a training on social rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities, which was held in Ambon City from 1-10 November 2019. Training participants are 15 children with intellectual disabilities, companions and parents. This activity is an initiation from the Maluku Province Social Service to empower persons with intellectual disabilities as well as encourage their companions to be enthusiastic about serving and understanding those with intellectual disabilities.
One of the materials presented by BRSPDI "Nipotowe" Palu at the training was problem solving material. This material is deemed necessary because in everyday life, people with intellectual disabilities often experience limitations in carrying out activities so that it affects the emotions and adaptive behavior of persons with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, through psychosocial and occupational therapy activities that are packaged in the form of games, beneficiaries are trained to have problem solving skills.
The beneficiaries in groups are asked to pass the challenge of the hula hoop circle which is symbolized as a circle of fire without touching with different difficulty levels. The beneficiaries used various ways to complete the game, even though they failed repeatedly but they didn't give up and stopped trying until they succeeded. Happy faces and happy expressions radiated when they successfully completed the challenge. In fact, the game encourages cooperation among beneficiaries so that their other friends can successfully pass the challenge. They do not hesitate to help and are willing to make sacrifices.
Apart from the ring of fire game, Beneficiaries also have the challenge of moving the ball with their knees. With enthusiasm, they support each other in solving challenges.
In this activity, relaxation exercises are also given as a technique in overcoming emotional problems for persons with intellectual disabilities. The beneficiaries are trained for concentration, breathing exercises, and meditation exercises. This activity is very enjoyable for the beneficiaries, especially if it is done on the beach under shady trees, which provide coolness and peace with nature.
As a result, the beneficiaries were increasingly enthusiastic about participating in the activities. Even after lunch, enthusiastic beneficiaries completed the livelihood skill of the doormat that had been started the previous day. One of the beneficiaries named Devi even got permission to continue this skill at home.