PESAWARAN (May 7, 2023) – Following directions from the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Ministry of Social Affairs through Sentra Handayani Jakarta handed over ATENSI assistance to a total of 215 persons with disabilities who were assisted by several LKS in Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. The distribution of this assistance was carried out as a form of government effort to increase awareness of the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities.

The process of distributing aid took quite a lot of time, bearing in mind that there were several scattered locations as distribution centers. The number of beneficiaries spread across the three locations is LKS Lentera Hati consisting of 115 people, LKS Nurul Baitul Amanah consisting of 79 people, and LKS Badrul Huda there are three people. Due to the limited conditions of persons with disabilities, the team from Handayani Center in Jakarta, assisted by LKS assistants, went directly to the homes of the beneficiaries. Even so, officers from Sentra Handayani Jakarta remained enthusiastic and determined to distribute the assistance.

During the aid distribution at LKS Lentera Hati on Thursday (04/05), Mokhamad Abduh, the representative from the Handayani Center in Jakarta, in his remarks said that he had great hopes that persons with disabilities could be assisted through the ATENSI assistance that had been given. "ATENSI assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs which was distributed to ladies and gentlemen is clear evidence that the state does not forget the welfare of its citizens. We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the community, especially for persons with disabilities who need accessibility aids," said Abduh.

The total value of assistance that has been successfully distributed is IDR391,075,500. The ATENSI assistance consists of fulfilling a decent life which includes nutrition, groceries, and personal hygiene tools that can be used to help the daily needs of the recipients. Meanwhile, as many as 39 people received assistance with accessibility aids which were expected to be useful in supporting the mobility of persons with disabilities.

In addition, as a mandate from the Minister of Social Affairs Risma to support the manifestation of the entrepreneurial rights of persons with disabilities as stipulated in Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, as many as three people received ATENSI assistance in the form of entrepreneurial support. This form of entrepreneurial support includes business capital for duck farming, carpentry business capital, and business capital for salons. The hope is that through business capital assistance, persons with disabilities can be more empowered and raise a better standard of living.