JAKARTA (September 21,
2022) - Handayani Center Special School (SLB) E in Jakarta received a visit
from 29 students from the Special Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia (UPI) Bandung. These students come directly to SLB E Handayani Center
to observe and see firsthand the condition of students with special needs, SLB
E Handayani Center is dealing with children who are against the law, both
perpetrators and victims.
UPI students were
welcomed by the Head of Handayani Center in Jakarta, Romal Sinaga along with
the Principal of SLB E Handayani Giyanto, teachers, and students. "Welcome
everyone, welcome to interact with our children. You can make direct
observations of children at SLB E Handayani Center which is a means to educate
and provide insight for them to change behavior and gain knowledge. Our
children are fostered by teaching staff consisting of educators, social
workers, social instructors, psychologists, instructors, counselors, and other
implementing positions who can provide teaching so that they acquire the same
knowledge as other schools. Keep the spirit of learning for all of you, hopefully, it can be a new experience, and can add insight and be a provision for the
future," he said.
Giyanto, the Principal
of SLB E also expressed his hope that the collaboration between UPI and SLB E Handayani
Center could continue. "We hope that this collaboration is the first step
for UPI to be able to continue to collaborate in conducting education, it has
been a long time since UPI students have practiced at SLB E Handayani Center and
we hope that all can support each other," he said.
Direct interaction was
carried out by students who were divided into 4 groups. They make observations
by communicating, providing motivation, and direct questions and answers to
students who are carrying out the teaching and learning process in class. Students
also dig up information related to the problems of SLB E children directly
through the principal and teaching staff.
Intan, one of the students said that this was a new experience for her. "I can see and know firsthand whether children with specific needs behave following the theory found on campus." In line with Intan, Anira said that she and her friends could practice directly in the field. "So far, it has only been obtained on campus, hopefully, this observation can add insight and provision for us in the future", she hoped.