BONE (13 June 2021) - The Education, Research and Social Counselor Board held a Priority Social Counseling activity with the theme Prevention of Risks and Impacts of Stunting for Children for Family Welfare at the Novena Hotel, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi.


This activity was attended by the Head of the Board for Social Education, Research and Counseling, Head of the Center for Social Counseling, Member of the House of Representatives Commission VIII, Head of the Social Service of South Sulawesi Province, Head of Social Service of Bone Regency, Head of BBPPKS Makassar, Head of the Elderly Center Gau Mabaji in Gowa, and Community Social Counselor representing the Village/Sub District in Bone Regency.


On this occasion, Member of the House of Representatives Commission VIII Samsu Niang was appointed as a speaker as well as symbolically handed over Social Assistance for the Elderly ATENSI Program to a total of 290 Elderly with assistance worth Rp. 538,000,000 which was witnessed by all participants of the activity.


"With the help of family and community-based ATENSI, it can improve social welfare in the Bone Community, especially for the elderly" foreword by a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VIII, who is the son of the Bone region.


The elderly ATENSI assistance that was handed over was divided into two, namely family-based to 210 elderly people in Barebbo, Tellusiattinge, China, and Ponre Subdistricts which were symbolically received by the Head of the Bone Regency Social Service. Then community-based distribution through the Makkitawalie Family Benefit Center (PUSAKA).


"The Gau Mabaji Elderly Center tries to reach the elderly as a whole, one of the efforts is by distributing this ATENSI in Bone district. Within our area coverage which is spread across 10 provinces and has a target of 12,590 PPKS, hopefully, it can be achieved soon so that many will feel the benefits of the existence of the Ministry of Social and will be more enthusiastic in providing services because it is supported by Commission VIII DPR RI," said Wahidin as Head of BRSLU Gau Mabaji in Gowa.


The follow-up to this Working Visit is that Commission VIII of the House of Representatives will discuss the budgeting of the Center so that it can improve its services and function more properly.