Makassar (July 19th, 2023) – After distributing habitable house assistance in Kendari, Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, continues to visit Makassar to visit a kid diagnosed with congenital heart disease.
In Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, Syahrul Burhan, a kid suffering from heart disease, has been waiting for the Minister of Social Affairs. When the Minister arrives and greets him, the 14 years old boy is smiling. His teary eyes show emotion, number one person in Ministry of Social Affairs visits him.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributes Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) worth Rp27.500.000 and assistance from worth Rp71.944.761 to support treatment and decent life fulfillment for Syahrul.
“Thank you to kind people out there who have donated for our sick little brother. Thank you, too for media partners or social media who have informed us about Syahrul’s condition. Thank God, thanks to these kind people, Syahrul’s treatment can be supported,” the Minister says.
Syahrul, the third kid of siblings of three, has suffered from congenital heart disease for two years. The diagnosis was delivered when he underwent follow-up treatment at Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Central Hospital in Makassar after being previously treated at Sinjai Regional Hospital.
After her mother passed away, Syahrul is treated by her father, Burhan (57). Ever since Burhan is no longer working as a driver. He chooses to be a farm worker and unskilled labor so that he will be able to monitor Syahrul’s condition while working.
After getting information about Syahrul’s condition, The Minister of Social Affairs mobilize her staff to respond fast. Syahrul is accompanied by Wirajaya Center in Makassar as a Ministry of Social Affairs’ Technical Implementation Unit to do a medical check-up.
Wirajaya Center also distributes proper life assistance, gives temporary residence in the Center while Syahrul’s being treated in Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Central Hospital, and also gives operational fees during the treatment.
Wirajaya Center also coordinates with village government and social office regarding data suggestions to be registered in Integrated Social Welfare Data and Syahrul’s follow-up treatment.
Syahrul is referred to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta to continue having various check-ups, starting from echocardiography to know more about the conception of the heart’s structural condition and function, to nutrition check-ups.
While in Jakarta, Ministry of Social Affairs facilitates Syahrul by giving temporary residence at Mulyajaya Center in Jakarta. Ministry of Social Affairs also supports accommodation and transportation costs during Syahrul’s treatment in Sinjai, Makassar, and Jakarta.
After undergoing some check-ups, Syahrul is brought back to Sinjai to continue outpatient care at Sinjai Regional Hospital for two years.
Ministry of Social Affairs also collaborates with to pay the operational cost of Syahrul’s treatment. The Ministry also distributes ATENSI assistance for decent life fulfillment.
ATENSI assistance distributed are decent life fulfillment while undergoing treatment in the hospital in Makassar, nutritional needs fulfillment, school equipment (bag, shoes, sandals, jacket), painting equipment for Syahrul’s hobby, praying equipment, adaptive wheelchair for mobilization assistance and entrepreneurial assistance of chicken farm.
Minister of Social Affairs hopes that collaboration on the treatment of Syahrul’s condition will run smoothly. “We’ll pray for the treatment to run smoothly and Syahrul will be able to be healthy and go to school,” the Minister says.