MATARAM (July 1st, 2022) - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin handed over a number of social assistances to beneficiaries during his visit in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs consisted of ATENSI assistance, Family Hope Program, Non-cash food assistance, cooking oil assistance, and entrepreneurship assistance.

In this opportunity to meet with the beneficiaries, the Vice President said that the assistance could help them to be more empowered. "Hopefully this assistance can provide social protection for people who are not able to afford it," said the Vice President in Mataram, Friday (01/07).

Social assistance provided to persons with disabilities, Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH) and victims of sexual violence in the form of ATENSI assistance for 10 persons with disabilities, entrepreneurship assistance for 40 beneficiaries in the form of grocery stalls and salons, as well as assistance with accessibility tools such as hearing aids, wheelchairs, and three-wheeled motorbikes in Mataram City, NTB with a total aid of 455.7 million rupiah.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Pepen Nazaruddin, said that some ATENSI assistance for people with disabilities in the form of motorbikes for business was modified as needed.

“It is hoped that the modification of the vehicle will allow the beneficiaries to use it immediately. In fact, the person who made this motorbike was a person with a disability. This is something to be proud of,” explained Pepen.

Meanwhile, he continued, for disability, classification is carried out first. "For example, earlier, the beneficiary, Suryani, received the assistance of a two-wheeled motorbike to sell around, in the initial assessment, so that the vehicles used were appropriate and could be more efficient when used to carry out business," he added.

This assistance was given based on the results of an assessment carried out by the UPT of the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the ‘Inten Soeweno’ Integrated Center in Bogor and the ‘Paramita’ Center in Mataram for the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities, ABH, and Victims of Sexual Violence.

One of the beneficiaries is JN (17), a female victim of sexual violence. From the Vice President, she received assistance in the form of salon training and reflexology, along with entrepreneurial assistance in the form of salon equipment.

JN expressed hier joy. “My hope is that this assistance can increase my income and welfare, so that I can send my sister to school so that she can be more successful than me. I also hope that I can send my grandmother for Hajj,” said JN after receiving the aid.

Also on this occasion, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin handed over compensation from health insurance in the form of Scholarship Benefit Program, Elderly Security Program, Work Accident Insurance, Death Insurance, Pension Security, and Job Loss Guarantee.

Attending this working visit were the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara, the Head of the Social Service of the Province of NTB, the President Director of the BPJS NTB, the Head of the ‘Inten Soeweno’ Integrated Center, and the Head of the ‘Pangudi Luhur’ Integrated Center.

Public Relation Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs