PALEMBANG (November 10, 2019) - November 10 is a historic moment for the Indonesian people which is commemorated as Heroes' Day. The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) "Budi Perkasa" Palembang commemorates the 74th Heroes' Day by holding a Flag Ceremony and community service activities on November 10, 2019.
The Flag Ceremony was carried out wisely in the BRSPDF "Budi Perkasa" Palembang field and was attended by all employees and Beneficiaries (PM), along with Candradimuka High School Scouts, UIN Psychology Students, and Abdurahman Palembang STIKES.
Heroes' Day is not only commemorated ceremonially, but must be realized by strengthening the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia such as helping others, not provoking, not spreading hoaxes and not committing anarchist acts.
We as ASN BRSPDF "Budi Perkasa" Palembang, We as Civil Servants Today commemorate Heroes' Day with real action of Community Service through Health Checks in collaboration with STIKES Abdurahman, Barista Wahab Coffee Mix Training, Hero-themed Painting and Coloring Contest in collaboration with the Warno Warni Community and as a form of gratitude, the participants also wrote down the meaning of heroes in their lives on the white cloth provided.
The enthusiasm of the community and children around BRSPDF "Budi Perkasa" Palembang who participated in the activity was very high, indicating that we ASN BRSPDF "Budi Perkasa" were here to serve.
We are Today's Heroes, We ASN Present with high enthusiasm will make the country proud, serving wholeheartedly for people with physical disabilities who have personality, dignity and independence.