MAKASSAR (May 22, 2023) - Wirajaya Center held a flag ceremony in commemoration of the 115th National Awakening Day on Monday 22 May 2023. This activity was centered on the Wirajaya Center in Pettarani ceremony field, Makassar.

The theme for this year's Harkitnas is "The Spirit to Rise". In the speech text of the Minister of Communication and Informatics read by the Head of the Wirajaya Center Administrative Subdivision as the supervisor of the ceremony, Bambang Trihartono, all elements of society are invited to interpret Harkitnas as a momentum to rise from the crisis in various fields caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

"At this time, when we have won independence, our ranks of struggle must remain tight, tight, and continue to move forward to ignite the fire of enthusiasm to rise up in order to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045." This is one of the warnings in the text.

This enthusiasm to rise is also closely related to the official status of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) or global health emergency for COVID-19 being revoked by WHO on May 5.

"Over the past 3 years, in the midst of the shortcomings, challenges, and problems that we have faced together, the lines of struggle of the Indonesian people have proven to remain tight in carrying out the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to restore the nation's economy. This has become the momentum to interpret the 3rd National Awakening Day. 115 is an effort to build a national spirit to rise after the pandemic."

There is something unique about the Harkitnas commemoration ceremony at Wirajaya Center this time. One of the beneficiaries (PM) named Sitim Carisma Sineri, a person with a physical disability who uses a wheelchair, was involved as a flag-raising officer. This is his first experience holding the flag.

"This is the first time I hold the flag in my life," she said happily. The fourth of eight children from the Yapen Islands, Papua, admitted that she was nervous before the ceremony. "I'm afraid I'm wrong, last night I could only sleep for 2 hours," continued the 19-year-old teenager who was born without legs.

However, in the end, Sitim was able to carry out its duties properly. "I am happy and proud. This is a valuable experience for me."

According to the chairman of the Wirajaya Sentra Residential Working Group, Yakub Abdullah, this is not the first time the PM has been involved in national ceremonial activities at the Wirajaya Sentra.

"Every year we will indeed involve the PM in this kind of official activity. The aim is not only to provide opportunities for growth but also as mental therapy so that you are more confident because you appear in public, as well as learn to work together in a team," he added.

Through the trust and opportunities are given to participate in various activities, it is hoped that PMs will have a greater enthusiasm to rise from the downturn they experienced before being handled by the Ministry of Social Affairs.