LEBAK (July 7, 2022) - MoSA accompanied the Deputy Regent of Lebak, Ade
Sumardi to hand over assistance during the Special Working Visit of Commission
VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the Lebak Secretariat State
During this visit, Commission VIII DPR RI and MoSA,
as partners of Commission VIII DPRI RI, provided Social Rehabilitation
Assistance (ATENSI) in the form of 3-wheel motorbikes, wheelchairs, leg
walkers, crutches, hearing aids, child strollers, nutritional assistance, and
entrepreneurship assistance in the amount of IDR 187,800,000,- to the Social
Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS).
In addition to assistance for Social Rehabilitation
Assistance (ATENSI), in the context of disaster preparedness and management,
Commission VIII DPR RI and MoSA also assisted the Lebak Regional
Government with the procurement of social granary facilities worth a total of IDR
330.250.800,- which is located in Wanasalam and Bayah Districts, Lebak Regency.
The assistance was handed over by the Chairman of Commission VIII delegation,
M. Hasbi Asyidiki Jayabaya.
M. Hasbi Asyidiki Jayabaya and his entourage with Lebak
Regency Government in the meeting explained the working visit of the DPRI RI
this time to discuss disaster management and social welfare programs in Lebak
which still need support from the central government both in terms of
strengthening institutions. and support for facilities and infrastructure.
"We hope that the central government can
directly see Lebak Regency which statistically and data is no longer a
disadvantaged district, but there are still many people in Lebak that have not
been touched by the government, even though Lebak is the largest area in Banten
Province." Said M. Hasbi Asyidiki.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Lebak welcomes and
appreciates the attention of Commission VIII DPR RI and also MoSA which has
given attention to the condition of Lebak area which is prone to disasters,
with limited resources owned by Lebak Regency Government in handling and
tackling disasters and community welfare certainly not able to meet the
expectations of society.
For this reason, according to the Deputy Regent of
Lebak, support from various parties, both the central government and other
parties, is needed to jointly provide the best service for the community.