SERANG (August 13, 2021) - The Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini together with the Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Yandri Susanto accompanied by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat and other echelons I rank of the Ministry of Social Affairs made a working visit to the Bai Mahdi Sholeh Ma'mun Foundation, Serang Regency, Banten Province.


During the working visit, Social Minister Risma provided some assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, including assistance for Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) for Children, Persons with Disabilities, Elderly, Social Tunai in Serang Regency and City with a total aid value of Rp. 1.5 billion.


The ATENSI assistance from the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is in the form of:


First, Accessibility Assistance, namely Wheelchairs, Hearing Aids, Smart Canes, Tripod Canes, Walkers, Braille Al Quran, which were given to 44 Beneficiaries with total assistance of Rp. 120,237,700.


Second, Entrepreneurship Assistance, namely Chicken Livestock, Banana Chips, Sewing, Sheep Cultivation, HP Service, Fast Food for 449 Beneficiaries with total assistance of Rp. 1,204,397,800.


Third, Basic Needs Assistance in the form of Food, Clothing, and Vitamins for 167 Beneficiaries of Rp. 258,065,750.


ATENSI assistance for a total of 660 Beneficiaries came from Social Rehabilitation Center “Soeharso” Surakarta, “Inten Soeweno” Bogor, “Panasea” Jakarta, “Handayani” Jakarta, “Melati” Jakarta, “Mulya Jaya” Jakarta, “Ciungwanara” Bogor, “Galih Pakuan” Bogor, “Wiyata Guna” Bandung, “Abiyoso” Cimahi, “Budhi Dharma” Bekasi, “Tan Miyat” Bekasi, “Pangudi Luhur” Bekasi, “Phalamartha” Sukabumi and Loka Kahuripan Sukabumi.


The Working Visit of Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Yandri Susanto were also accompanied by the Communication Forum for Regional Leaders of Banten Province, Serang Mayor Syafrudin, Deputy Regent of Serang Pandji Tirtayasa and Deputy Governor of Banten represented by Asda I Banten Provincial Government Septo Kalnaldi