WEST LOMBOK (December 23rd 2019) - Workshop on trial and assistance for the management of the Special Service Education (PLK) for Children Against the Law (ABH) was held at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Paramita" in Mataram. This activity, which was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with the Religion Bee Entertainment (ERBE) Foundation, aims to formulate educational services for elementary school aged children who are against the law, so that the educational process does not stop.

The head of BRSAMPK "Paramita" in Mataram in his speech said, "Paramita welcomes this program, considering that all this time ABH children are not only faced with legal problems that are sometimes unclear, they are also faced with the fact that they have to quit school even though "Paramita" has started facilitating with the pursuit of packages, but it was carried out at night. The children were tired, because they had to participate in therapy activities throughout the day. For that we hope that this program can be realized, of course with the support of financial problems."

The Head of the ERBE Foundation, Abdul Rohim said, "This module has been tested at the Ministry of Social Affairs and several UPTs of the Ministry of Social Affairs in various regions. The purpose of this trial activity is also to get input from executors who are dealing directly with ABH issues related to regulations, the contents of the module, conformity to goals and follow-up. "

Furthermore, the activity is filled with module explanations followed by discussions and presentations, the results of which are used to refine the modules so that later they can be applied nationally.