BANDUNG (July 14, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Wyata Guna Social Rehabilitation Center in Bandung is part of the Public Kitchen organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs aimed at supporting the fulfillment of food needs for people affected by COVID-19.


The public kitchen, which has been operating since 03.00 AM, provides eggs and ready-to-eat food. Under a tent bearing the Ministry of Social Affairs logo, employees of Wyata Guna Center of Bandung, Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana), and employees of the West Java Social Service shared the task of preparing ready-to-eat food. Some are in charge of chopping potatoes, boiling eggs, cutting beef, washing rice, and cooking rice, not to mention making spices.


Inside the hall, thousands of food boxes that are still in sheet form are glued into ready-to-use food boxes by the staff of Wyata Guna Bandung.


After the food is ready to be served, another team packs it into the box which is then assembled in bags. Pickup vehicles, boxcars, and medium-sized trucks docked to the soup kitchen ready to receive bags of food. In a matter of minutes, all vehicles are fully charged.


Total eggs distributed today amounted to 6,384 eggs, 3,190 egg packs, and 2,276 boxes of ready-to-eat food distributed to hospitals, Social Welfare Institutions (LKS), communities, self-isolated residents, police, community protection, urban villages, and orphanages.


Some parties who received assistance expressed appreciation and gratitude for the hard work and assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.