REMBANG (December 23, 2024) Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) and Vice Minister Agus Jabo Priyono paid visits to the homes of three beneficiaries of the Ministry of Social Affairs' Meal Program for the Elderly and Disability Living Alone and YAPI Assistance in Gedangan Village, Rembang Regency, Central Java on Monday, December 23. Their visit was to engage directly with the beneficiaries and ensure that the assistance was reaching the intended recipients.

Samini (78), a beneficiary of the Meal Program for Elderly Living Alone, has been receiving assistance since 2022. She lives alone in her modest home and receives two meals a day through the program.

“How old are you, Grandma?” asked Gus Ipul. Samini softly replied that she is 78 years old. “Stay healthy always, Grandma,” Gus Ipul said as he sat with Samini in her home.

Gus Ipul explained that his visit was to confirm that the program was being implemented properly. "I confirm that Grandma Samini is eligible to receive the Meal Program for Elderly Living Alone because she is 78 years old and lives alone," he said. He also thanked the social companions and village officials who assisted in delivering this government initiative to eligible individuals.

Gus Ipul then visited Zaenal Asmuin (36), a physically disabled individual receiving the Meal Program for Elderly Disability Alone from 2022. In addition to food assistance, Zaenal also receives support for poultry farming.

“Thank you, I just want to ensure that the assistance being provided is reaching the right people,” said Gus Ipul.

Zaenal also thanked Gus Ipul and Vice Minister Agus Jabo for visiting his home and assisting him. "Thank you for your visit," Zaenal replied.

The nutritious food provided to the elderly and persons with disabilities is cooked and delivered directly to the beneficiaries by local community groups (POKMAS) in each region.

Gus Ipul ended his visit to Rembang by meeting with Muhammad Al Vino Wicaksono (11), who has been a beneficiary of the YAPI (Orphan) assistance program since 2022. Vino is currently in sixth grade at primary school and lives with his father. He receives IDR 200,000 per month in assistance.

During his visit to Vino’s home, Gus Ipul reminded him to use the assistance appropriately. "The most important thing is for Vino's needs. Since schooling is free, this assistance can be used for other operational school expenses,” said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul also wished Vino success in the future. “Eat nutritious food, and I hope that one day you can become a minister, a vice minister, or a director-general,” said Gus Ipul.