Jakarta (October 18, 2024) - Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) appreciated the Disaster Response Volunteer (Tagana) in handling various disasters that occurred in the country. “Tagana has proven to be the spearhead in providing protection and assistance to people affected by disasters,” said Gus Ipul in his mandate at the Tagana Preparedness Ceremony at Buperta, Cibubur, East Jakarta, on Friday (18/10).
This year's Tagana Preparedness Ceremony also coincides with the 20th anniversary of Tagana's service to the State.
Gus Ipul said that Tagana was present in various mitigation activities such as the formation of Disaster Preparedness Villages (KSB), the construction of Social Barns, and community counseling. These efforts are very important in reducing disaster risk and increasing disaster preparedness for the community.
In disaster conditions, Tagana is at the forefront of distributing aid, building tents, and providing basic needs services, “the dedication and enthusiasm you show deserves our appreciation”, said Gus Ipul.
Gus Ipul also emphasized the Ministry of Social Affairs' commitment to continue to strengthen the role of Tagana, which totals 38,400 people throughout Indonesia as the leading sector in protection and displacement. In the future, said Gus Ipul, the Ministry of Social Affairs will provide volunteer capacity building, Tagana skills training, improve coordination and collaboration with both government and private parties, develop an integrated information system, strengthen the Tagana national partner network, and improve the welfare of volunteers through various programs in collaboration with local governments.
“The task of the Ministry of Social Affairs in disaster management is related to evacuation, protection, and logistical support and the Ministry of Social Affairs must collaborate with BPBD, TNI Polri, and non-governmental NGOs during disaster management in the field (disaster site),” he added.
Gus Ipul said, in 10 years more than 34,000 disasters have occurred. This disaster cost more than 4 million lives.
This year's Preparedness Ceremony was attended by 1,500 Jakarta and West Java Tagana personnel, 300 members of the Jakarta Disaster Preparedness Village, pioneers of peace and Psychosocial Support Services (LDP), 100 Jakarta Disaster Preparedness Banser, as well as social pillars, Jakarta and West Java social services.
In the event, Gus also gave a certificate of appreciation from the Ministry of Social Affairs to the Jakarta and West Java Social Services.
In front of Gus Ipul, Tagana, Difabel Siaga Bencana (Difagana) and KSB personnel also performed disaster management simulations.