REMBANG (December 23, 2024) – Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf and Vice Minister Agus Jabo Priyono encouraged families benefiting from the Family Hope Program (PKH) to self-graduate. Both the Minister and Vice Minister emphasized the importance of collaboration in alleviating extreme poverty in Central Java and across Indonesia. This was conveyed during the PKH Jateng Fest event in Rembang Regency.

In his speech, Minister Saifullah Yusuf, commonly known as Gus Ipul, emphasized that alleviating extreme poverty is one of the government’s main priorities.

"We are not just working to ensure that social assistance is delivered effectively but also preparing the beneficiaries to live independently and break free from the cycle of extreme poverty. Events like PKH Jateng Fest are one of the ways we demonstrate the tangible results of our empowerment efforts," he stated on Monday, December 23, 2024.

According to Statistics Indonesia, the poverty rate in March 2024 was 9.03%, down 0.33 percentage points from March 2023 and 0.54 percentage points from September 2022. Building on this data, PKH and other empowerment initiatives, such as business capital assistance, skills training, and basic services support, are designed to break the poverty cycle that has long affected underprivileged communities.

Vice Minister Agus Jabo Priyono explained that alleviating extreme poverty requires an integrated approach involving multiple sectors.

"Social assistance like PKH is just the first step. We must also ensure access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities for the poor. Without strong collaboration, alleviating extreme poverty will remain a discourse," he said.

During the PKH Jateng Fest, concrete solutions to relieve extreme poverty were displayed. One example was a display of business maintained by PKH beneficiaries who had self-graduated, such as Iftriah, a PKH beneficiary from Rembang Regency who now owns a livestock feed production business. Iftriah's success proves that with proper guidance, PKH beneficiaries may not only become self-sufficient but also help develop the local economy.

Despite the obvious effectiveness of programs like PKH, Gus Ipul acknowledged that the challenge of alleviating extreme poverty remains significant.

"Extreme poverty is not just about a lack of income but also about inadequate access to basic services like education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Therefore, synergy between the central government, local authorities, and the community is crucial," he said.

Gus Ipul added that one of the biggest challenges is raising awareness and fostering a spirit among PKH beneficiaries to change their mindset and empower themselves.

"We must not only provide social assistance but also transform their perspective by demonstrating that they can succeed. The PKH companions play an important role in this, and I appreciate their efforts," the Minister said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) will continue to expand and improve community empowerment programs as part of its border strategy to alleviate extreme poverty. In addition to PKH, programs such as the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Integrated Welfare Houses (RST), and skills training will be integrated to have a more significant impact.

During the PKH Jateng Fest 2024, MoSA distributed IDR 198.4 million in assistance to 231 Social Welfare Beneficiaries (PAS) through various centers such as Prof. Dr Soeharso Surakarta, Kartini Temanggung, Antasena Magelang, Margo Laras Pati, and Satria Baturraden.

In conclusion, Gus Ipul emphasized his optimism that PKH's achievements in Central Java, particularly in encouraging self-graduation, could serve as a national example for extreme poverty alleviation.

"We want the graduation process to demonstrate that extreme poverty can be eased with good cooperation from all stakeholders. Let us work together to build a more prosperous Indonesia," he said.