Jakarta (February 18, 2025) - Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) are conducting synchronization aimed at child protection. This synergy begins with the coordination of data owned by each agency.
"Our first task is to match data. Because our business is with KPAI, of course, we match data related to vulnerable children, children in conflict with the law, or also persons with disabilities, and other things related to supervision carried out by KPAI," said Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf at his office, Jakarta, Tuesday (2/18/2025).
Gus Ipul, his nickname, explained that this coordination needs to be carried out, especially along with the issuance of Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2025 on National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN). This data will later become a reference for all ministries, institutions, and regional governments in distributing assistance to the community.
"We want to coordinate data, especially after DTSEN is used as a joint guideline in carrying out tasks according to their respective fields," said Gus Ipul.
Gus Ipul revealed that based on the monitoring report received from KPAI, one of the things highlighted regarding child protection is related to the services of Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) in the regions. He ensured that in the future MoSA will make specific cooperation with KPAI at a more concrete level so that the services provided by LKS can be maximized.
"So that the services provided by MoSA related to services, especially to those in need of social welfare services, we can be better in the future and can reach more, be right on target and later the results can be measured properly," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairperson of KPAI, Ai Maryati Solihah said that her party is encouraging certification and standardization of LKS services, so that the services provided can be better. "We fully support improving that quality," said Ai Maryati.
In addition, she also emphasized the urgency of improving all human resources and infrastructure, both related to child care and social rehabilitation of victims. According to her, these two indicators are the key to child protection. "The spearhead of child protection is one of them, is social workers, then the presence of a certified safe house that protects children and their recovery," she said.