BEKASI (January 5, 2021) - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini asked the Government for social welfare service recipients (PPKS) not only on the basis of compassion, but also to encourage long-term independence.


Since her first day serving as Minister of Social Affairs, Risma immediately stepped on the gas by greeting PPKS. As a result, she succeeded in persuading several people to be referred to the “Pangudi Luhur” Bekasi Social Rehabilitation Center for the Ex-Homeless and Beggars (BRSEGP). There, they will receive various treatments, including getting an enhancement and an affirmation of skills and motivation so that they can improve their welfare in the future.


Like Asmani, a raincoat and mask seller at the Mampang flyover, South Jakarta. There is also Mulyana, a scavenger from Subang, West Java. The man who claimed to have lived in Jakarta for 5 years was met by Risma on Jalan Saharjo, Jakarta, whom Risma met today (5/1).


After being greeted by Risma, they were willing to immediately have an initial assessment at BRSEGP "Pangudi Luhur", Bekasi, including getting a health check according to the COVID-19 protocol, which is getting antibody rapid test.


Next, they will receive temporary treatment and learn skills before returning to the community and coordinated with the local government. At the hall, they can learn how to make compost, raise catfish, cut hair or auto mechanics, and also sewing skills to make reusable mask.

The various social service programs provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs are a concrete manifestation of the Ministry of Social Affairs being present to improve and develop the social functioning of PPKS.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social RI