JAKARTA (July 1, 2020) - Five ministries agreed to strengthen Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) in the joint work meeting of commission VIII DPR. Credible poverty Data is the key to successful implementation of social protection programs.

 On that occasion, Social Affair minister Julari P. Batubara explained how the process of data updates to support various programs in Kemensos, including the social protection program. This level process starts from the region.

The role of regional governments in updating poverty data is mandated in Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, and Law No. 13 of 2011 concerning Poverty Handling. The Minister of Social Affairs underlined that the two regulations contain an important role for regional governments in determining verification and validation of poverty data, which will later be included in the DTKS managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"The process of data verification and validation is done through regions. That is carried out in stages through the village / urban village officials who decide through muskel / musdes. Then reported to the district / city and then determined by the Ministry of Social Affairs. From the data we get, there are still 92 districts / cities that have not updated their data since 2015, "said the Minister (01/07/2020).

Besides Social Minister, present in a joint meeting with the topic "Verification and Validation of Poverty Data", this is the Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDDT) Abdul Halim Iskandar, Minister of PPN / National Development Planning Agency Suharso Monoarfa, Director General of Population and Civil Registry (Mendes PDDT) Dukcapil) Ministry of Home Affairs Zudan Fakrulloh, and Expert Staff for State Expenditure Ministry of Finance Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha. The meeting was led by Chairman of Commission VIII Yandri Susanto accompanied by deputy chairmen and members who were partly connected online.

Furthermore, the Minister stated, the data in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) had been matched with the Ministry of Home Affairs Dukcapil data as much as 81% on a NIK basis. "We continue to match so that it is targeted to be 100% this year," he said.

In an effort to update the data, as many as 103 districts / cities have been active in updating the complete poor household data in their respective regions. "A total of 103 districts / cities have improved more data than 50% of the household data in their area. Then as many as 504 districts / cities are recorded as active in the improvement / sending of Social Assistance Data (BST), "he added.

To accelerate and improve the quality of poverty data, in Fiscal Year 2021, the Ministry of Social Affairs allocated a budget of Rp424 billion. This budget is to carry out verification of 12,430,918 households in 67,596 villages / kelurahan, 5,942 sub-districts in 471 districts / cities in 32 provinces (except Papua and West Papua).

"If this budget is disbursed, I still want to be updated first, which is the recipient of aid who receives regular social assistance, namely Family Hope Program (PKH) and the Sembako Program. This is what we verify first to ensure the accuracy of the target, "said the Minister.

Beyond that, the Ministry of Social Affairs also proposed an additional budget of Rp.875 billion, bringing the total budget to Rp1.3 trillion. "With the addition of the Ministry of Social Affairs verivali process budget will be able to update all data in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) plus new proposals in 514 districts / cities in 34 provinces," he said.

Together with the Ministry of Social Affairs, other ministries agreed to contribute and strengthen integrated data. Minister Suharso Monoarfa said there were six steps in support of strengthening the DTKS. Namely the transformation of data towards social registration, development of adaptive social protection schemes, digitizing distribution using a digital platform, reforming financing schemes, developing distribution mechanisms, and program integration.

 "To update data and adjust target beneficiaries, the Ministry of PPN / Bappenas initiated a digital data collection dashboard through the digitization of village monographs. This dashboard is a step to update data on recipients of social assistance, "said Suharso.

Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDDT) Abdul Halim Iskandar said he would continue to assist the Ministry of Social Affairs in reforming village data. In handling COVID-19, Mendes PDDT has distributed Village Fund BLT to 7,502,489 KPM. "Later we will submit the data and match it to the Ministry of Social Affairs. So hopefully it can improve DTKS. "For COVID-19, we will make it a starting point for reforming village data," he said.

The Director General of Dukcapil Zudan Fakrulloh said that his party together with the Ministry of Social technical team who were actively updating the data so that it could be ascertained based on by name by address (BNBA) and Population Identification Number (NIK).

Director General of Dukcapil stated that it continues to support the process of matching data based on NIK in the DKTS from the Ministry of Social Affairs to 98,604,086 people (data for October 2019 and July 2020). "The result is that if in October 2019 successfully paired up as much as 75.6%, then in July 2020 it had reached 82.52%," he said. As for Kunta Wibawa, the Ministry of Finance has allocated a budget of Rp203.9 trillion for social protection.

 In general, DPR members also support and encourage relevant ministries to jointly improve the quality of DTKS. Chairperson of Commission VIII Yandri Susanto and member Diah Pitaloka requested that the budget for the Ministry of Social Affairs be increased. "The figure of Rp1.3 trillion is too small. I think this needs to be improved, "said Yandri and Diah.

Deputy Chairman of the Commission Tb Ace Hasan Syadzily and Selly Andriany stressed the importance of strengthening the role of the Integrated Service and Referral System (SLRT) as a data verification motor. "SLRT only exists in 80 districts / cities. While the Health Center as many as 160. If necessary, all of Indonesia should be there, "he said.


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Ministry of Social Affairs