SIDOARJO (4 September 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini conveyed a request to President Joko Widodo for supporting to give maximum sanctions for perpetrators of sexual crimes against children as an effort to provide a deterrent effect.
The Minister of Social Affairs reminded all parties that the enactment of Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS), is a form of the state's commitment to provide comprehensive guarantees of human rights, especially from violence and discrimination. This law firmly regulates sexual crimes against children will be subject to severe sanctions.
"This law will provide additional penalties for perpetrators of sexual crimes. And the punishment will be increased if it is done by close relatives. I ask the President so that later these perpetrators will not be given remission," said the Minister of Social Affairs during his visit to the Sidoarjo Police Headquarters, Sunday (04/08).
The Minister of Social Affairs said that the TPKS Law regulates additional penalties for perpetrators of sexual violence. In Article 11 of the TPKS Law, it is stated that perpetrators of sexual violence do not only receive prison sentences and fines, but are threatened with additional penalties.
"The threat of punishment is very heavy. Even if the perpetrator is a family member or the victim is a person with a disability, the threat will be added by a third," continued Risma.
The TPKS Law can also ensnare corporations. Article 13 of the TPKS Law explains that corporations that commit sexual violence will be subject to a fine of around Rp. 200 million to Rp. 2 billion.
On the same occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs was present at the Sidoarjo Police Headquarters to meet victims of sexual violence and ensure that the perpetrators received appropriate sanctions. The victim is known to be an elementary school student and the perpetrators are her own parents.
Received by the Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro, the Minister of Social Affairs met and comforted the victim. About 2 hours Social Minister Risma received an explanation from the Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro regarding the extent of the handling of the case.
To the Minister of Social Affairs, the victim said that she did not want to see her parents again because she felt very traumatized. Currently the victim is placed by the police in a safe house and accompanied by a psychologist, to help recover from her trauma.
"The victim has been placed by the police in a safe house. I express my gratitude to the Sidoarjo Police who have given their attention in this case," said Risma.
Also of interest is the victim's school, which is currently in the 6th grade. It is feared that it will be greatly affected by his mental state. Social Minister Risma stated that if the victim later had to moved her schools, then she would be ready to process it and place the victim who was still a child in the environment and supervision of the Ministry of Social's technical unit implementation (UPT).
"There has been a report from the assistant regarding the victim's school, which is currently in the 6th grade of elementary school. I convey that if it is later forced to move then I will process it and am ready to place it in one of our technical unit implementations," she said.
On the occasion, Risma also handed over assistance in the form of bicycles, school uniforms, shoes, school equipment bags, daily clothes, school supplies, and additional nutrition. The victim's sister was also given similar assistance, such as bicycles, additional nutrition, educational toys, and daily clothes.