Social Minister ran with the residents in an earthquake and tsunami simulation
PACITAN (11 September 2021) - With other community members in Pacitan Regency, Social Minister Tri Rismahari ran to higher ground. Under the pouring rain, they moved swiftly towards the nearest hill.
They only had 20 minutes before the life-threatening tsunami came. The simulation also involves personnel such as Tagana (Disaster Preparedness Cadets), equipment such as tents, sleeping mats, food, Field Public Kitchen Truck and water tanker trucks.
This activity is part of the evacuation simulation of the Pacitan community in facing the threat of earthquake and tsunami.
"The simulation is carried out in Pacitan because the impact of the disaster is calculated to be the highest in this location. Hopefully it doesn't happen. But if it does happen, it is hoped that the impact can be minimized," said the Minister of Social Affairs in his presentation at Tamperan Pier, Pacitan (11/09).
Social Minister emphasizes the evacuation speed when a disaster occurs. After testing the evacuation, Social Minister gave a message to Tagana, Community Social Workers (PSM) and District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) to ensure more detailed evacuation routes, including in the middle of a densely populated city.
"Make sure you make a more detailed simulation of where people should save themselves. Take into account the displaced elderly in only 20 minutes," said the Social Minister.
Social Minister also advised regional governments and social pillars to pay serious attention in saving vulnerable groups, including the elderly. "Tell them the nearest safe point to where they live. This will facilitate the evacuation steps," said the Social Minister.
On this occasion, Social Minister, the Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati, and the Regent of Pacitan Indrata Nur Bayuaji headed to the designated evacuation points. Social Minister led a small meeting to verify data maps with field conditions on the riverbank in the Babakan Hamlet, Kembang Village.
Social Minister advised the Pacitan Regent to prepare evacuation routes and community gathering points. The small meeting agreed that there would be 12 evacuation points for residents where the Ministry of Social Affairs to send bufferstock.
The evacuation simulation activity to deal with the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Pacitan Regency is part of the disaster mitigation measures. Disaster mitigation efforts are carried out by taking into account the results of a study by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
On several occasions, the Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati said that based on BMKG research and modeling, the southern region of East Java has a large potential for earthquake disasters. The areas predicted to be affected are Pacitan, Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Blitar, South Malang, Lumajang, and Banyuwangi.
Although no tools have been found that can accurately predict when a disaster will occur, Social Minister emphasized that serious, planned and organized efforts are needed to improve the preparedness of the community and the government to face the possibility of a disaster.
According to Social Minister, the evacuation simulation held today is a form of real and serious steps in dealing with disasters. "I have also ordered the ranks of Ministry of Social Affairs to periodically and in a planned manner carry out socialization of disaster mitigation in vulnerable areas, including Pacitan," said the Social Minister.
The Ministry of Social Affairs' next step is to establish Disaster Preparedness Areas (KSB) in several areas in Southern Java. In Pacitan, five KSBs have been established. As part of efforts to improve disaster preparedness, KSB conducts periodic simulations involving vulnerable groups, namely women, the elderly, people with disabilities and children.
"The establishment of the KSB in Pacitan Regency is intended to train the community to carry out independent evacuations before aid comes when a disaster occurs," said the Social Minister.
In this activity, it is simulated that on Saturday, 11 September 2021, at 10.00 WIB, an earthquake hit with a magnitude of 8.7, epicenter 300 km southeast of Pacitan and a depth of 19 km. The earthquake caused a tsunami that affected the entire coast of East Java including the Pacitan area with a tsunami wave height of 25-28 m above sea level on the coast.
The arrival time of the tsunami waves was 26 minutes after the earthquake shock. It takes a maximum of 5 minutes to disseminate early warnings, so the golden time (remaining time for evacuation) is 22 minutes. The tsunami waves entered a maximum of 6 km into Pacitan City, reaching several strategic and vital places. The water level varies from 22 m in the coastal/coastal area, 11-17 m in the riverbank area, 6-11 m in the central area (including the Plaza), and 10-12 m in the Grindulu Riverbank.