JAKARTA (7 September 2020) - The Indonesian Parliament and the government agreed to start discussing the Disaster Management Bill (RUU) at the Work Committee (Panja) level. Through a Joint Working Meeting (Raker) held with Commission VIII, today, six government representatives attended and agreed to start discussions at the Working Committee level.

In the Joint Working Meeting, Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara as the government's representative conveyed four crucial issues in the discussion of the Disaster Management Bill. The four crucial issues are related to institutions, budget, criminal provisions and the role of institutions and society.

"Regarding institution, the government views that the regulation is related to 3 functions, namely coordination, command and implementation. Regarding the name of the institution, there is no need to mention the name of the institution that organizes disaster management, ”said Minister of Social Affairs Juliari in the Working Meeting with Commission VIII (07/09).

The meeting was attended by three ministers and three deputy ministries. Apart from the Minister of Social Affairs, there were also the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly, and the Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto. Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Safrizal ZA, Director of Budgeting Regulations Harmonization of the Ministry of Finance's Director General of Budget Didik Kusnaini, and Expert Staff for Political and Legal Affairs of the Ministry of PAN-RB Imanuddin were also present.
The Chairman of Commission VIII Yandri Susanto conducted this meeting. The Minister of Social Affairs further stated that as for the regulations regarding the terms and procedures for the appointment of the head of the institution, the elaboration of the coordination, command and executive functions as well as the duties, organizational structure and work procedures of the institution would be regulated by a Presidential Regulation .

"This is to provide regulatory flexibility that makes it easier to make changes or adaptations according to conditions and developments in future governance needs," he said.

Regarding the budget, the government is of the opinion that budget allocation should not include a specific percentage, but to be sufficiently regulated. "To avoid mandatory spending which will burden the state budget and to provide fiscal flexibility," he said.
In relation to criminal sanctions, the government proposes not to impose minimum criminal sanction, both imprisonment and fines, but maximum criminal sanction. "This is because criminal acts in disaster management are included in the category of extraordinary crimes," he said.

Related to the role of business institutions and international institutions, the government agreed to add to the role of society. So far the community has played an active role in helping the Government. For example, there were philanthropists organizing community donations to help with disaster management.

"Likewise the role of social institutions, religious institutions and social organizations. So that the role of the community needs to be accommodated in it, "he said.

The Disaster Management Bill is an initiative of the Indonesian Parliament and has been submitted by the Chairwoman of the Indonesian Parliament to the President with letter Number LG/05919/DPR RI/V/2020 dated 20 May 2020. The Government strongly supports the DPR RI's proposed initiative.

Disaster management has been regulated in Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management. However, along the way, it is considered inappropriate and there are dynamic challenges that have not been accommodated in the implementation of disaster management.

For this reason, the law on disaster management needs to be more comprehensive. The new law in lieu of Law no. 24/2007, is expected to contain a more planned and integrated disaster management system.

Bureau of Public Relations 
Ministry of Social Affairs