2023) –Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, makes a work visit
to Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province. She visits Papua land numerous times.
The Minister comes to distribute empowerment assistance to the local people.
According to the Minister, Biak is rich in
outstanding natural potential. However, because it is geographically far,
Biak needs special handling for the potential to grow.
“Biak has amazing potential. Nature is suitable
for tourism. This will go hand in hand with social empowerment. However, we
need special treatment to handle the long distance,” Minister Risma said.
Mensos says that Biak's huge potential cannot
be managed carelessly. The potential should be processed in order to increase
the quality. Risma also reminds the people about President Jokowi’s important
massage in managing natural resources, which is selling finished products
instead of raw material.
This will create and accommodate labour. This
will also add economic values. “In managing potentials, we should remember the
President's message. Don’t sell raw, we should process the resources first. It
will increase employment possibilities and give more value,” Mama Risma, a
nickname given to The Minister by Biak people, said.
In her speech, Minister Risma asks Biak Numfor
Regent, Hery Ario Naap, about boat necessity for the fishermen, considering the
prolific harvest of the ocean. The Minister says that Ministry of Social
Affairs plans to build a shipyard in Biak. According to The Minister, the plan
is the answer for fishermen’s boat demand in Biak Numfor.
“I’ve already said to Sir Herry, The Regent,
that will build a shipyard here. I want the children of Biak to be able to
build their own boat. I will help by sending the expert from Sepuluh Nopember
Institute of Technology (ITS) in Surabaya,” she said.
Minister Risma thinks that this is an effort to
build the resident’s independence. She claims that Ministry of Social Affairs
is building independence by giving courses so that the people can produce and
handle problems arising.
“I set a limit in fulfilling people’s requests.
I prefer seeing them making an effort. I will help them by giving courses, thus
they will be able to create by themselves, such as shipyard building,” she
Meanwhile, Hery Ario Naa, Biak Regent, says
that Minister Risma’s frequent visits have changed Biak people's economic
façade. They are able to develop various empowerment programs given by Ministry
of Social Affairs, such as hens and pigs farming.
The Minister of Social Affairs gives
empowerment assistance on this occasion. Empowerment stimulant assistance of
1.000 pigs farming and 1.000 pairs of clothes are distributed to 500 Family
Beneficiaries (KPM) in Cendrawasih Field.
Hery appreciates the assistances. “Nowadays,
Biak has been self sufficient of eggs. We also send the eggs to some areas such
as Jayapura, Wamena, and Waropen. It includes pork. We are able to meet the
demand,” Hery said. He also promises Minister Risma to develop various Biak’s
potentials. Thus, it can be useful for the poor, such as tourism sector.
Pastor Hizkia Rollo, vice chairman of the
fellowship of Indonesian Christian Church Synode, also appreciates Minister
Risma. This happens because Minister Risma also involved the fellowship of
Indonesian Christian Church in the social empowerment. According to Pastor
Hizkia, Minister Risma is a mama for Papuans carrying out the holy mission of
empowering people.
“Minister Risma will always be our Mama capable
of wiping Papua children’s tears. Thank you, Mrs. Minister, God Bless You,”
Pastor Hizkia said.