SURABAYA (13 February 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini received to Rp1.6 billion donation from PT. Krakatau Karya Abadi in the form of 96,000 masks and 17,400 bottles of hand sanitizer.
The Ministry of Social Affairs will immediately distribute this aid to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. "I would like to thank PT. Krakatau Karya Abadi. We will immediately distribute this aid to people in need," said the Minister of Social Affairs in Surabaya at the donation handover ceremony in Surabaya (13/02).
She said the government could not do social welfare development alone. The business world and the wider community can contribute according to their roles and capacities as a form of concern and responsibility.
"I appreciate the act of PT. Krakatau Karya Abadi because this donation shows their concern and feelings that they are called to break the chain of the pandemic," said Risma.
She hopes that PT Krakatau's act will be an inspiration and motivation for the business world and other communities to work together with the government to contribute to end the pandemic.
Groceries in Eastern Indonesia
Risma saw a correlation between the Ministry of Social Affairs' tasks in handling social assistance for people affected by the pandemic and the PT Krakatau business line. This company, which goes by the name Super Application, is developing an online grocery distribution business.
Risma was surprised by this fact. Therefore, she challenged Super Apps to increase its contribution to the country. She challenged the application to provide cheap groceries for people in Eastern Indonesia.
"I am surprised that there is an extraordinary effort in providing basic necessities in East Java managed by young people. I challenge you to expand your business for the people of East Indonesia," said Risma.
Risma admitted that she was surprised by the existence of the application of grocery providers. What she knew was that she came to their office to receive donations. But it turned out that they were running an extraordinary business.
"What I know today that I will receive donations from the Super Application, it turns out that there are other things and they make me surprised because they are providers of groceries at relatively cheap prices. And this has strong connection with what I think," continued Risma.
Currently, according to Risma, she was thinking about how to provide cheap groceries in Eastern Indonesia. If the groceries are cheap or have the same prices as groceries in other provinces, there will be more money to be used for other things. This can improve their welfare.
"Right now we at the Ministry of Social Affairs are thinking about how our people in Indonesia can get cheap groceries. I have communicated with community leaders there such as priests and others. Now there is an application like this. Therefore I want them to be involved in this program," she said.
The Minister of Social wants her wishes to be responded quickly by the Super Application. So that later, they can collaborate with the Ministry of Social Affairs’ network in Eastern Indonesia.
The geographic conditions and natural challenges in eastern Indonesia make distribution of groceries become difficult. "Later, when ready, I will invite them to Jakarta for a presentation. And later I will help with the links in the relevant area to make the distribution easier," said Risma.
The desire of the Minister of Social Affairs was greeted enthusiastically by the Super Application. Angelina Wu, Head of Business Development of Super Application, said that she was happy with the challenge. Her company will soon formulate the management of grocery distribution for Eastern Indonesia.
"We are honored with the offer from Mrs. Risma. Of course we will follow this up to be able to help the Ministry of Social Affairs provide cheap grocery in Eastern Indonesia," said Angelina.
Meanwhile, regarding the donation given today, Risma emphasized that it would be distributed to areas that are facing both Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters.
"We will distribute this aid to areas that are facing both Covid-19 and natural disasters," said Risma.
Aid for Flood Victims
On different occasions, the ranks of the Ministry of Social Affairs led by Social Minister Risma moved to the flood-affected locations in Bandar Kedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency, East Java.
Social Minister went around distributing aid. In Gondang Manis Village, the Social Minister distributed children's food, baby supplies and folding mattresses.
To help meet the basic needs of flood-affected communities in Jombang, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed two trucks each in the form of 15 packages of kids ware, 140 blankets, 140 folding mattresses and 140 children's food packages.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs