JAKARTA (3 September 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to improve, strengthen and expand the reach of social services. Through the Social Welfare Center (Puskesos), the Ministry of Social Affairs reaches out to the lowest-tier communities in villages and kelurahan (sub-districts).

The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara emphasized that in the National Priority Program FY 2021, the Ministry of Social Affairs targets developing Puskesos and 300 regencies/cities developing the Integrated Referral Service System (SLRT).

"Of course we have prepared budget support. In the meantime, we are finalizing a budget optimization plan. Later, after optimizing it, we will allocate it for the strengthening and developing Puskesos and SLRT for the FY 2021," said the Minister of Social Affairs in Jakarta (03/09/2020).

In the National Webinar organized by the West Java Province Social Service via video conference, the Minister of Social Affairs stated that these various real supports were carried out to ensure the community in accessing social services fast and easily. The Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto was also present in the Webinar accompanying the Minister of Social Affairs.

"The existence of Puskesos means providing closer services to people in need. So that people do not go too far to find a place to complain or report the social welfare services they want to get, "he said in a webinar with the theme" Optimizing Puskesos as a One Stop Service for Social Welfare "(03/09).

On the other hand, the Minister of Social Affairs advised the Regional Government to foster a strong commitment in budgeting for the development of Puskesos in their respective regions as the Ministry of Social Affairs currently has received additional tasks and focuses on programs directly aimed to people affected by COVID-19.

“Social welfare services must be transparent and easy to access. In the future, Puskesos will also be involved in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) collection. This year, a Joint Decree (SKB) of 3 Ministers was issued, namely the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Social Affairs regarding data collection in the regions which must be updated regularly, "he said.

Present as the keynote speaker, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, greatly appreciated the Ministry of Social Affairs for taking concrete steps and moving quickly in responding to social problems.

"I appreciate what the Ministry of Social has done, especially the Minister of Social Affairs. The Minister of Social Affairs is physically and mentally aware of the concept that needs to be done, and also goes straight to the field," said Ridwan Kamil. The provincial government will continue to increase support and synergize with the Ministry of Social Affairs in strengthening the social welfare development program.

Bureau of Public Relations
Ministry of Social Affairs