JAKARTA, THURSDAY (2 March 2023) – A plan for delivering social assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) and non-cash food assistance program (BPNT) or groceries for the community through Himbara (Association of State Banks) and PT Pos Indonesia was agreed upon by the Ministry of Social Affairs and State-Owned Companies (SOE). The meeting between SOE Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo and Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini led to this agreement.

In this scheme, it is agreed that beneficiary families (KPM) who are close to the bank can collect assistance in cash at the nearest branch or ATM. However, if they do not receive assistance within the allotted time, the distribution will be taken over by PT Pos.

"So we have agreed on that. Initially at the bank, then if it is not collected for several days, the distribution will be through PT Pos," said the Minister of Social Affairs in a press conference which took place at the Ministry of Social Affairs Office on Jalan Salemba Raya No. 28, Thursday (2/3).

Distribution through banks aims to increase financial inclusion for the community. Inclusive finance is an effort to provide access to various financial products for the wider community, including vulnerable, low-income groups and persons with disabilities. In addition, channeling through banks enables people to receive assistance at any time and any place since the ATMs make it possible.


The Minister also ensured that the BPNT/basics food program would no longer be through e-warung. This policy was taken based on the evaluation results and recommendations from Commission VIII DPR RI. "We don't use e-warung anymore. This response to Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2017 (on the distribution of non-cash social assistance). It is stated that the assistance can be in the form of cash or goods. Therefore we agreed to distribute cash. The withdrawal can be via ATMs or directly to the bank," said the Minister.

In line with the Minister, the SOE Deputy Minister said cash distribution made it easier for the community to take advantage of the assistance. "It can (directly) carry out disbursement transactions so that people don't need to look for stalls to exchange staples. We hope that people can use their funds more quickly for their daily needs," she said.

Meanwhile, distribution through PT Pos is specifically to reach the frontier, outermost, and least developed regions,and people who have limited access to banks. According to the SOE Deputy Minister, PT Pos will manage more than 50% of those areas. "People who have difficult access to the bank may lack information. Postal officers will be scheduled to go to their respective homes. With biometric data including photos, it will be more on target," she said.

PT Pos will reach 83 regencies/cities, while Himbara and BSI will distribute the assistance in 431 regencies/cities. This distribution targets 10 million PKH beneficiaries and 18.8 million BPNT beneficiaries.

On the same occasion, the Main Director of PT Pos Indonesia Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi said that his party has three disbursement schemes that are adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries. “First they came to the post office. This means that it is scheduled because we have a morning and an afternoon session," he said.

For the second scheme, PT Pos will come to communities such as RT/RW, villages, and others to distribute assistance. While the third scheme is door-to-door where postal officers will deliver directly to beneficiaries’ houses. This scheme applies to beneficiaries with limited access such as the elderly, persons with disabilities, and people who are in the frontier, outermost, and least developed regions.

Also attending the meeting were Mandiri Main Deputy Director Alexandra Askandar, BNI Institutional Banking Director Sis Apik Wijayanto, BRI Main Deputy Director Catur Budi Harto, and BRI Micro Business Director Supari.

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Ministry of Social Affairs