Bekasi (July 17, 2023) - The problem of handling extreme poverty is the main concern of the Indonesian government at this time.  The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to support the acceleration of handling extreme poverty problems in Indonesia.

Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini together with Presidential Staff Office Principal Expert Abraham Wiratomo and Sociologist Imam Budidarmawan Prasojo reviewed social welfare services at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center.

"This afternoon we are still here in connection with the government's efforts to eliminate extreme poverty in Indonesia," Wiratomo said.

Based on his explanation, the extreme poverty rate as of 2022 has reached 1.7%, which was initially 7% and has dropped to 3%. Currently, Indonesian President Joko Widodo aims to reach 0% by the end of his term in 2024.

The problem of extreme poverty is indeed very complex but the government remains optimistic to achieve this target from various types of services provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Today is an example that it is not only social assistance that is a program of the Ministry of Social Affairs, there is an extraordinary program where the extreme poor scavengers, homeless people, the elderly who may have economic difficulties get free housing with fees for cleaning service, then they get mentoring and empowerment so that their income increases," he added.

"This is a real example of how we can reduce extreme poverty in Indonesia. I am optimistic that by 2024 Indonesia can be free from extreme poverty," he explained.

Risma and the KSP team visited several services at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center, starting from Flats for PPKS, Center facilities, Flats Cooperatives Shop, Sewing Training, Waste Management, Maggot Cultivation, Catfish Cultivation, to the Attention Creation Center.

"This center with all kinds of services that we provide, we hope that the poor and abandoned children can be served entirely," said Risma.

Including the latest facility in the form of a flat intended for PPKS who do not have a place to live, it does not only aim to move the recipients to a more suitable place to live, but also to change psychologically and culturally for those who are used to living freely on the streets.

"There are those who don't feel at home (because there is) a rule when they cannot smoke. It is not easy to teach because they are used to live in a place where there are no rules, but we transfer an extraordinary culture to live in the flat," explained Risma.

Not only in terms of housing needs, the Ministry of Social Affairs also seeks to improve the standard of living of service recipients through empowerment programs with the aim of increasing the income of the recipients.

"There are already some (beneficiaries) whose income is Rp9 million and actually many recipients have been able to exit from the assistance, but they are still very vulnerable," said Risma.

The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs also provides space for beneficiaries to open a place of business so that they do not have economic difficulties and can be independent to get out from poverty.

Sociologist Imam Prasojo also stated that what the Ministry of Social Affairs is doing, especially in this Integrated Center, is not only a shelter, but as a place of learning and empowerment.

"Here we see that there is actually learning that is transmitted, and then if there is a network with creative people it can help to improve whatever is here," said Imam Prasojo.

The hope is that the social services provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs will not stop here and can become an example in various places so that social problems including stunting can be resolved quickly, exactly, and accurately.

One of the beneficiaries, Mr. Sofyan, a former scavenger, said that he felt greatly helped by the ATENSI assistance in the form of a drink selling business from the Ministry of Social Affairs.