JAKARTA (July 27, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' budget again recorded the highest percentage of realization. Among the five Ministries / Institutions (K / L) with the largest budget, the Ministry of Social Affairs posted a realization percentage of 54.84%.

From the Ministry of Social Affairs budget for FY 2020 amounting to IDR 124,765 trillion, as of today (27 July 2020) IDR 68,416 trillion has been realized or 54.84%. This figure is more than 10% adrift of other K / L who are in second place.

This percentage is very impressive, considering that the Ministry of Social Affairs' budget has just been topped up by Rp. 20 trillion, from the previous position of Rp. 104.76 trillion. However, in the not too distant future, with a huge budget, the speed of realization can still be maintained and even encouraged.

Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara has indeed paid special attention to budget realization. On various occasions, the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari has continued to encourage his staff to accelerate, including the realization of budgets in all work units, especially for social assistance spending during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is in line with President Joko Widodo's direction so that K / Ls increase spending. The goal, in addition to meeting the needs of people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, is also to get the economy moving.

“Many of our brothers and sisters are experiencing difficulties in life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The presence of social assistance is eagerly awaited to reduce their economic burden. To KPM who have received cash assistance, it is necessary to spend it immediately in order to accelerate the rotation of the economy, "said Minister of Social Affairs Juliari (27/07).

The Minister of Social Affairs also went directly to the field, checking the location of social assistance distribution. Secretary General Hartono Laras stated that within a week, the Minister of Social Affairs could move to different locations 3 or 4 times to check the location of social assistance distribution.

"Even on the night of the takbir before Eid al-Fitr, the Minister of Social Affairs is still in the field to ensure that people can have fun on holidays with the social assistance they have received," said Hartono Laras, on a separate occasion.

The high realization of the budget, said Hartono, could not be separated from the various breakthroughs made by the Ministry of Social Affairs, under the leadership of Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara, good cooperation from all work unit leaders, structural, functional officials, and the support of all employees, as well as synergy with partners.

In distributing Cash Social Assistance (BST), the Minister of Social Affairs has instructed PT Pos Indonesia to increase the service duration from morning to night, mobilizing all resources. PT. The post also adds counters and distribution points in the community, such as village offices, sub-district offices, schools, RW posts, and so on.

"So that service to KPM is getting closer," he said. Still related to BST, the distribution of aid was carried out simultaneously. Namely channeled simultaneously between channels with updating data changes, to accelerate and improve targeting accuracy.

Then for the distribution of the Presidential Assistance food packages, a number of breakthroughs have also been made. Namely increasing the number of vendors from the previous 5 to 20 or more. Simplify basic food items in 10 simplified items with the same value, and so on.

With a large budget, the Ministry of Social Affairs is able to show good performance. Last week, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) submitted the Ministry of Social Affairs Financial Report for the 2019 Financial Year with an Unqualified Opinion (WTP). Thus, for the fourth time in a row, the Ministry of Social Affairs won the WTP opinion.

Recognition of the Ministry of Social Affairs' performance is also shown from the results of a survey of various credible institutions. The Charta Politika survey institute stated that Minister Juliari was among the 7 best Jokowi ministers during the COVID-19 period. According to Charta, the Ministry of Social's poverty alleviation program is right on target and has a positive impact on society. Charta assessed that the Ministry of Social Affairs has done real work.

Similar findings were also conveyed by the Alvara Research Center Survey which revealed that the level of public satisfaction with social assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic was 56.2%.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs