BEKASI (January 23, 2021) - Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) submitted Precision Village Data to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Submission of data is part of efforts to improve the accuracy of poverty data by involving community participation in this case from elements of universities.


The data submission ceremony was carried out by the Rector of IPB Prof. DR. Arif Satria to the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini at the Pantai Bakti Village office, Muaragembong District, Bekasi Regency (22/01/2020). In his remarks, the Minister of Social Affairs stated that although data is the authority of the center, innovation space remains open to strengthening efforts to accelerate poverty reduction and improve services to the community.


"Development programs in all lines of life will be effective, targeted, accountable and transparent if they are supported by a reliable database and can be accounted for by research results," he said during the Submission of the Results of Activities to Build Precision Village Data in Collaboration between LPPM IPB and Pantai Bakti Village Government, Muaragembong District, Bekasi Regency.


Precision Village Data has a high level of accuracy and precision to provide an overview of the actual village conditions. This data is taken, validated, and verified by the village government, village officials, village communities assisted by parties outside the village, namely LPPM IPB.


"This Precision Village Data is an innovation that in the future will end data polemics," he said. Risma added that with the Precision Village Data, it is hoped that the distribution of aid will be more targeted.


Information regarding the number of families, the number of residents, and the like will be completed following the reality on the ground. According to him, the Ministry of Social Affairs is given the authority to provide a single piece of data that will be used by all ministries and state institutions to support social welfare development.


The Minister of Social Affairs stated that the process of updating poverty data opened the involvement of the smallest government units such as villages and sub-districts. Even now, villages and sub-districts can submit data corrections in the first week of January 2021, every Monday-Wednesday, when a meeting is held regarding data correction from the regions.


On Friday, a follow-up evaluation was carried out with the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) and PT Pos Indonesia. The evaluation results are used as a reference in the distribution of aid in February. “Which one failed to deliver, which one didn't. That's what we evaluate. Are there (aid recipients, Red) who died and others," she said.

As is known, accurate data will be an important input in the policy-making process. Community involvement in the process of making village data, not only increases citizen participation but also places the community as the subject of development.

The combination of citizen participation with the use of technology will certainly increase the accuracy of the data generated. Community participation, namely higher education, opens opportunities for the transfer of knowledge on technology but also improves the participatory methods that have been used so far.

The Ministry of Social Affairs manages Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS), which includes Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS), Social Assistance and Empowerment Recipients, and Social Welfare Potentials and Resources (PSKS).

DTKS contains 40% of the population who have the lowest social welfare status. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 146/HUK/2020 which was stipulated in October 2020, there were approximately 96 million individuals or 27 million households with the lowest welfare status in Indonesia.

Furthermore, DTKS is used to improve the quality of targeting social protection programs. DTKS, assists with program planning, improves the use of budgets and social protection program resources. By using data from DTKS, the number and target beneficiaries of the program can be analyzed from the outset during program planning, which is expected to help reduce errors in targeting social protection programs.