SERUI (30 May 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) continues to work to empower the community. This is in line with the vision of the Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini who wants to help poor people become self-sufficient rather than relying solely on social assistance.
Today, the Minister and her entourage greeted Yapen Regency, Papua Province. The presence of the Minister is to ensure that residents in these outer regions can develop dynamically and improve their welfare.
Minister Risma contributed to community empowerment by giving generous support. The overall amount of support to the Yapen Regency exceeds IDR 2 billion.
"I want you to be independent and empowered, ladies and gentlemen. When I was Mayor of Surabaya, the poor population reached 32 percent, but when I left Surabaya to become minister, the poor remained at 4 percent. I met their urge to be independent. Many people who were formerly impoverished have become wealthy. Ladies and gentlemen, you must be as eager as those in Surabaya," said the Minister when opening her remarks in distributing aid to the people of Yapen Regency.
According to Minister Risma, Yapen has a lot of economic potential that can be expanded, including seaweed cultivation. The Minister revealed that while on an official trip to Waropen, a Yapen woman invited her to swing by and view seaweed production. Following this brief visit, the Minister recognized the potential to develop and promote it as a means of empowering underprivileged communities.
"When I got to Waropen, a lady asked me to stop and look at the seaweed. I took the sample to the lab, and the results were good," Risma stated.
Minister Risma urges the continued development of good-quality seaweed cultivation due to the large market and high demand. Minister Risma also helped with its development by providing a drying machine. Apart from that, she urges seaweed producers to create cooperatives so that middlemen do not control prices.
"I noticed that the seaweed here was good. So I provided them with a drying machine to improve the results while increasing the price. It would be unfortunate if the middlemen affected the pricing. With a high price, it could improve the family's life and economy," Risma continued.
Not only did the Minister distribute funding for seaweed drying machines, but she also considered the state of public street lighting in Yapen. As a result, the Minister of Social Affairs also distributed solar-powered public street lighting (PJUTS). It is hoped that PJUTS will brighten the Yapen area. Currently, 17 sub-districts and 165 villages in Yapen still need illumination.
Risma hopes that MoSA’s assistance will help the community, either to increase security or empower the community, especially students in Yapen.
"We want these PJUTS to be able to illuminate Yapen. If it's bright, the nightlife in Yapen would be noticeable," Minister Risma added.
Moreover, the Minister also provides other empowerment assistance such as pig farming and fiber boat production, all of which contribute to poverty alleviation in the least developed, frontier, and outermost regions.
Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of Yapen, Cyfrianus Mambay, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Minister Risma, who was considered to care deeply for the people of Yapen in Papua Province. Cyfrianus stated that what had been given by the Minister would be kept and maintained. This includes PJUTS which are extremely useful for lighting in Yapen.
"I told the Regional Commander and the Police Chief to protect what the Minister has given. This is all a manifestation of her concern for the people of Yapen," said Cyfrianus.
Related to seaweed cultivation, Cyfrianus will support Minister Risma by inviting seaweed farmers to form cooperatives. His party strongly agrees with the Minister's statement to keep seaweed prices high and prevent middlemen from manipulating them.
"We will encourage seaweed farming communities to form cooperatives to boost welfare by ensuring price stability. Aside from that, we will facilitate the shipping and contact with buyers," Cyfrianus stated.
The visit was also attended by the Chairman of the Yapen Legislators Yohanes Raubaba, Special Advisor to the Minister for Communication and Mass Media Don Rozano Sigit Parakoeswa, Special Advisor to the Minister for Social Welfare Service for Persons in Need (PPKS) and Social Welfare Potential and Sources (PSKS) Luhur Budijarso Lulu, Expert to the Minister for Social Rehabilitation Benhur Tomi Mano, Acting Director General and Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment Beni Sujanto, Acting Director of Empowerment for Remote Indigenous Community and Social Entrepreneurship I Ketut Supena, Head of BBPPKS Jayapura John Herman Mampioper, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Team, Acting Regent of Yapen Cyfrianus Mambay, Chair of Regional Leaders’ Forum, Chair of Diocese Rev. Maria Mayor and 1st Deputy Chair of the Synod, Rev. H. Rollo.