KLUNGKUNG (21 August 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara directly reviewed the distribution of Social Cash Aid (BST) in Klungkung District and Karangasem District, Bali.

"BST is the government's real commitment to the people affected by COVID-19. I ask PT Pos Indonesia to optimize its services for Beneficiary Families (KPM) to accelerate distribution," said Social Minister Juliari at the banjar office in Kusamba Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency, Sunday ( 21/8/2020).
The Ministry of Social Affairs has formed a partnership with PT Pos Indonesia for the distribution because PT Pos Indonesia has the infrastructure and human resources pan in all over the country.

"With good cooperation, we ask PT Pos Indonesia to speed up the distribution of BST to beneficiaries by adding working hours and service points and opening earlier," he said.

Furthermore, there are also additional service points such as in village offices, Citizen Association (RW) Post, schools, and other public facilities so that the people affected by COVID-19 immediately feel the benefits of social aid.

"To accelerate distribution, other than Post Office, other facilities can be used such as village offices, Citizen Association (RW) Post, schools and other public facilities," said Juliari.

However, in the distribution of BST, Social Minister Juliari reminded that every citizen should adhere to health protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands with running water.

"Greetings from Mr. President Joko Widodo. Hopefully this assistance can be useful as well as stimulate and encourage the economic growth of local communities," said Social Minister Juliari.

The government continues the distribution of IDR 300,000 BST until December, twice disbursements in July and August, once in September and three times in October.

In Bali Province, there were 99,653 beneficiaries distributed by PT Pos Indonesia and 8,960 beneficiaries through Himbara spread across 9 districts/cities. Then, the recipients of the Sembako Program were 179,769 KPM spread across 9 districts/cities.

In Klungkung, 7,718 beneficiaries of BST are distributed by PT Pos Indonesia and 458 beneficiaries with Himbara distributors. The total was IDR 2,452,800,000/month. In Dawan District, there are 1,308 beneficiaries and the total aid was IDR 392,400,000/month disbursed in 12 villages/kelurahan.

Meanwhile, there are 10,235 beneficiaries for the Sembako Program of Klungkung Regency with the aid total of IDR 2,047,000,000/month. Specifically, for Dawan District, there are 1,532 beneficiaries for the Sembako Program with a value of IDR 306,400,000/month.

In Karangasem, there are 6,710 beneficiaries with PT Pos Indonesia distributors and 538 beneficiaries with Himbara distributors, with a total BST value of IDR 2,174,400,000/month.

In Padang Bai Subdistrict, 205 beneficiaries of BST, a total of IDR 61,500,000/month are spread over 4 villages. There are 10,235 beneficiaries of the Sembako Program in Karangasem with a value of Rp 2,047,000,000 / month.

Both BST and Sembako Program are provided for the people affected by COVID-19 so that they can still fulfil their daily needs, while at the same time driving the local economy.

Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs