KUBU RAYA (January 27, 2023) - Ministry of Social Affairs responded to cases of physical and sexual violence against children that occurred in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini gave serious attention and sent a special team consisting of the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, the "Antasena" Center Magelang, and the Bandung Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS) to respond to the case involving these eight children.

Led by the Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, the team visited the residence of the victim and his family to carry out an in-depth assessment.

"We have come to help children and parents so that they can overcome physical, psychological, and social interaction problems that arise as a result of this sexual violence," said Kanya at the residence of one of the victims in Pontianak, West Kalimantan (25/01).

Kanya also explained further that his party would collaborate with law enforcement officials and other parties to ensure that the legal process was carried out and children's rights to education were fulfilled.

"We are also working with APH (Law Enforcement Officials) and other parties to ensure that the legal process is upheld and the rights of child victims are fulfilled, including regarding continuing education," she said.

On the same occasion, Kanya spoke with the mother of one of the victims. She provided reinforcement and thanked the victim's mother for believing and not denying the victim's story.

"Thank you for believing the children's stories, Mother. What is important for children is how they can accept and not deny their children's stories. Because denying them will hurt the children," he said.

In response to this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs has done assessments, hypnotherapy, counseling, and strengthening families regarding child care. The Ministry also taught children about emotional stabilization techniques so that they can relieve anxiety, shame, and fear so they can rise to face the future.

In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs is also collaborating with psychologists in Pontianak to conduct ongoing therapy sessions as a form of assistance and strengthening for victims and their families. By doing this, it is hoped that the victim will not become a perpetrator.

As part of the assessment results, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed assistance to the victims i.e. necessities, nutrition, school supplies, and other children's needs totaling IDR14,656,420.

Fulfillment of Children's Educational Rights

Not only experiencing anxiety and fear, these children also face the problem of continuing their education.

When asked, the victim's mother explained that her child had chosen not to continue studies at a religious education institution. "Yesterday I asked, she said she wanted to go to school near home," said the victim's mother.

Besides telling the chronology of the victim's entry into a religious education institution until the incident, the victim's mother also expressed her feelings. She also revealed that she can only listen and support her child's decision.

After listening to these various stories, Kanya expressed her gratitude to the victim's mother who had strongly listened to her child's story and accompanied and supported her child's decision to study at another educational institution.

"Thank you for becoming a great support for your children, because it must be hard. You give opportunities to children, don't pressure them, and support them," Kanya said during an emotionally draining discussion of the chronology of events with the victim's family.

Unfortunately, the school transfer cannot be done easily because the religious educational institution where they study has not yet received an operational permit. The condition of the facilities and infrastructure was very worrying.

Hereafter, Kanya immediately took action by visiting the Office of the Ministry of Religion, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province. She met the Head of the Islamic Education Section Muhammad Amin, asking for clarity on the operational status of the religious education institution which was the scene of the incident.

Amin emphasized that his party would continue to process operational permits by applicable regulations and provide records. Henceforth he handed it over to the central government as the final decision maker.

"This institution has applied for a permit since November 2022 but until now it has not received an operational permit because to obtain this permit you have to go through rigid stages. In the future, we will do site visits and provide recommendations because licensing decisions follow applicable regulations and remain in force from the central government," Amin emphasized.

The religious educational institutions that have not received operational permits can hinder the continuation of the victims' education. Therefore, Kanya also ensured that the Ministry of Religion's support for children's rights to receive education was still fulfilled.

"Later, if anyone wants to continue to Tsanawiyah, God willing, we are ready to help," said Amin.

Moreover, the Ministry of Social Affairs team also visited the Kubu Raya Regency Education and Culture Office to ensure government support for children's educational rights.

The Head of PAUD (Early Childhood Education) and PNF (Non-Formal Education) Asmil Ratna stated her readiness to support the continued education of children who are victims of physical and sexual violence.

"We are ready, later we will coordinate with other parties regarding the fulfillment of documents according to the administration. And if there are things that we can take policy on, it will be our and the Regent's commitment to provide the widest possible access to fulfill children's educational rights. child," Asmil said.

Legal Assistance

Apart from providing strengthening and ensuring the educational needs of children who are victims of physical and sexual violence, the Ministry of Social Affairs also coordinates with various stakeholders to ensure the legal process continues.

One of the steps was to visit the Kubu Raya Police and coordinate with the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit for the Kubu Raya Police, Inspector Indrawan Wirasaputra.

In the conversation, it was stated that until now the legal process is still ongoing, the suspect has also been arrested and detained. Next, the Kubu Raya Police will complete the formal and material requirements and coordinate with the Public Prosecutor to continue the legal process.

"We will pay close attention to this case and carry out a follow-up plan under existing procedures," said Indrawan.

This case, which occurred at a religious educational institution, was revealed thanks to a police report from the victim's parents. Her two children were victims of sexual violence committed by one of the teachers where her children were studying.

The perpetrator who has now become a suspect is a teacher with service or internship status and only started teaching in July 2022. He has been charged with the crime of committing obscene acts against minors with a penalty of 5-15 years in prison.

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Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs