BEKASI (September 5, 2023) - The Directorate of Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups is holding an activity to prepare a Draft Technical Instructions (Juknis) for Assisting Basic Food Assistance. The activity was held for 2 (two) days from 4 to 5 September 2023 at the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center (STPL) Bekasi, West Java.

The preparation of this technical guidance is to provide support in the distribution of social assistance for the basic food program so that it is right on target, on time, on value, and on benefit. To achieve this, it is hoped that the Basic Food Program will be easy to monitor and evaluate to minimize deviations in its distribution, so a mentoring role is needed to support the successful implementation of the Basic Food Program.

The Acting Director General of Social Empowerment, Beni Sujanto, who was also present, hoped to increase the role of social assistance for the basic food program in the distribution of social assistance for the Basic Food Program.

"Within the sub-district, there are other assistants, for example, Family Hope Program (PKH) assistants or Social Rehabilitation assistants. They also have a role. Assistance to beneficiaries, not program assistance, is implied in this technical guideline to be the District Social Welfare Worker's (TKSK) task to assist in the distribution of social assistance. Their duties and roles,“ said Beni.

This preparation activity was carried out offline and was attended by representatives of the Directorate General who had social assistants, the Inspectorate General, the Legal Bureau, the Public Relations Bureau, and the Directorate of Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups.