JAKARTA (July 22, 2021) - In order to accelerate the distribution of ready-to-eat food prepared by the Public Kitchen of the Ministry of Social Affairs to the affected communities, the Air Force Operations Command (Koopsau) I supports the provision of two transport fleets along with operators to the Ministry of Social Affairs' public kitchen team that located at the Kalibata Main National Heroes Cemetery (TMPNU) Convention Building, South Jakarta, Thursday (22/7).

The support assistance was symbolically handed over by and received by the Head of the Sub-Directorate (Kasubdit) of Social Recovery and Strengthening of the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA), Faisal, Danwing I Paskhas, Nana Setiawan and Aspotdirga, Zulkifli Purba and the ranks of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and Koopsau I.

The TMPNU Kalibata Public Kitchen, which has been operating since June 29, 2021, has produced 213,449 boxes of ready-to-eat food and 227,482 boiled egg packages intended for Health Workers (Nakes),  Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) officers, marginal groups in Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) and self-isolation (isoman) residents in Jabodetabek area.