SLEMAN (December 18, 2024) - In the series of National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN) 2024, Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) and Vice Minister of Social Affairs Agus Jabo Priyono visited Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, on Wednesday (12/18/2024). They gave their appreciation to 10 beneficiaries (PM) who successfully graduated from the social assistance program through an event in Sumberrejo Village. This graduation is considered proof of the success of the collaboration between the central government, regional governments, and the community in reducing poverty rates.
"Congratulations to all who have graduated. This is not just graduating, but proof of the courage to face a bright future," said Gus Ipul. A total of 7,700 families have graduated in 2024, including 77 PM from Sumberrejo who are now successfully managing independent businesses, such as catering and iron businesses.
In addition, in Pondokrejo Village, Gus Ipul handed over assistance worth IDR 566 million for basic needs, empowerment, home renovation, and sanitation facilities. He also praised the spirit of mutual cooperation of Pondokrejo residents in accordance with the theme of this year's HKSN, "Strengthen Solidarity Towards a Golden Indonesia."
The Ministry of Social Affairs also handed over a total of IDR1.4 trillion in aid to the DIY Province, covering various social programs such as Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), Family Hope Program (PKH), and community empowerment. Gus Ipul hopes that this synergy can continue to strengthen national solidarity and support Golden Indonesia 2045.