SLEMAN (December 18, 2024) - In commemoration of National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN) 2024, Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) handed over basic food assistance and the Family Hope Program (PKH) to 180 Beneficiary Families (KPM) at the Sleman Post Office.
Gus Ipul emphasized the importance of using assistance appropriately and explained the plan to improve the distribution pattern of assistance in 2025 to make it more efficient. PKH assistance is provided according to registered components, such as health, education, and social welfare, with varying amounts based on needs.
The Ministry of Social Affairs also plans to increase KPM empowerment through cross-ministerial collaboration. PT Pos Indonesia ensures that assistance is distributed on time and target with three service methods, including direct visits to the homes of KPM in need.