JAKARTA (23 July 2020) - Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara together with the ranks of Echelon I and II of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a video teleconference in the context of a Day with Children with the theme "Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia" and a sub-theme carried by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs "Stop Violence against Children, Positive Friendships with Peers and Indonesian Children Healthy and Happy at Home".
This event was enlivened by 73 children who were beneficiaries of the Ministry of Social Affairs Children's Center / Loka and 8,000 representative children from all over Indonesia with various backgrounds, ranging from children from remote indigenous communities, street singers, children of fishermen, children of scavengers, children with disabilities to children with HIV / AIDS.
On this occasion, representatives from Ministries and Institutions were also present, namely the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Bappenas, Ministry of Home Affairs, KPPPA, KPAI, LPAI, Komnas Anak, Sayangi Tunas Cilik Foundation and other partners.
Rachmad Aditya
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N