JAKARTA (May 25, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended The 7th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare & Development (11th AMMSWD) with the theme "Accelerating the Implementation of ASEAN Commitments for Gender Equality Through Gender Mainstreaming & Social Inclusion" virtually in Room Minister of Social Affairs Meeting, Jakarta.
At the meeting which was attended by all Ministers of Social Affairs of ASEAN countries, Minister of Social Affairs Risma explained the strong policy framework that has been implemented in Indonesia in terms of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion. The effective implementation of these programs has encouraged transformative change, especially for poor women, people with disabilities, and disadvantaged and marginalized groups. One of the achievements to be proud of is the Nusantara Economic Hero Program (PENA) which has succeeded in increasing beneficiary access to economic resources so that their income increases to get out of poverty and graduate from social assistance programs.
In addition, the Minister of Social Affairs Risma also explained that Indonesia plans to hold an ASEAN High-Level Forum on Strengthening, Development, and Disability Inclusive Partnerships which will be held in August 2023, and is pleased to welcome the ASEAN Delegations at the meeting which will be held physically in Indonesia.
Also present accompanying the Special Advisor of the Minister of Social Affairs for the Need for Social Welfare Services and Potential Resources for Social Welfare Luhur Budijarso Lulu, Director General of Social Rehabilitation Pepen Nazarudin, Acting Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Nursyamsu, and Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau Romal Sinaga.
Humas Kemensos
David Myoga
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